Chapter 27: Ice Cream Mess

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Each step heading to the restaurant is making my heart beating faster and faster. Even though this shouldn't bother me, I'm still getting nervous. I shouldn't feel this way but I do and it's killing me. Can I just get this over with?

"You're fine," I hear Lani say to me as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder, "Just breathe, and just think about your dad's awesome burgers."

"Easier said than done." I sighed, and took a deep breathe.

As we kept walking, out of nowhere, someone covered my eyes which scared the crap out of me.

"OH MY GOD!" I shrieked, and put my hands on top of the hands that are covering my eyes, "WHO IS THIS?!"

All I heard was snickering and laughing while I heard Lani gasp, "I HATE YOU!" and that's when I hear Luke's voice, laughing, "Love you too, Lani."

I decided to reach my arms behind me and I heard a squeal which sounds very peculiar. I only know one person who would do a girly squeal so I yelled out, "ASHTON."

"Awww," I heard him groan as he put his hands away, "How could you tell?"

I started laughing as I turned around to him, "That girly squeal could be recognized any where, Ash."

"Your such a girl." Calum shook his head at him as he walked beside him, and Ashton started giggling, "Whatever!"

I looked at Calum and my nerves just melted away. Calum saw me, and smiled, "Hey."

Pinch me because Calum finally greeted me first.

"Hi," I smiled at him, "How was the studio?"

"Good," He nodded, and rubbed the back of his neck, "Always good."

"OH GOD," We both heard Michael groan really loud, "Please don't tell me that you two are being awkward because of a stupid fight. Who ignored who?"

My eyes widened, "How do you know that?"

"Experience." Michael and Ashton answered at the same time, and there eyes trailed at Lani and Luke who were not paying attention to us at all and just holding hands, talking to each other.

"Please kiss and make up already," Michael patted Calum's shoulder, "But wait after we eat so I don't loose my apatite."

"Fuck you, Michael." He scoffed under his breathe as Michael walked away, and Lani, Luke, and Ashton followed, leaving Calum and me behind, by ourselves.

I started laughing, "So.."

"So.." He laughed with me also, and sighed, "Look, I'm-"

"Wait." I stopped him, and smiled at him, "Save it for later. I'm getting hungry, and let's do the sappy moment with a full stomach, okay?"

Calum formed a huge grin on his face, and nodded, as he said familiar words to me which makes me happy, "Sounds like a plan."

We made it to the restaurant, and Lani looked at me, concerned about me.

"You okay?" Lani asked me and I nodded, "Yeah, just trying to process anything."

"If you ever want to dash out, bring me with you." She joked with me which made me feel a bit better but there was those nervous butterflies that is making me feel anxious.

"Let's get this over with." I mumbled my breathe and walked inside once Luke opened the door for us.

When I walk in, the cool air from the ac made me feel less nervous. I looked around and I see a lot of happy people, laughing and talking, and there were a couple kids making a mess on the table. Aww, back when life was easy.

"It's Something" # 2 - Something Different: Calum Hood [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now