Chapter 30: Unfinished Business

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“I hate leaving this place,” My dad sighed as we were hanging out in his office, as I was waiting for our lunch, “The juniors were fun teaching, and this place had a good vibe going on.”

“Sorry that I never visited it you when you were teaching the juniors.” I apologized, “I bet you were an awesome teacher.”

“It’s all good, Nana.” My dad patted my back, “And also, I was a hip, chill teacher!” My dad started acting like all cool, but we all know that it looks extremely weird on dads so I groaned at him, pushing him, saying, “Daaad! Stop!”

We both started laughing at his nonsense, and then he sighed, “Nana, are you doing okay?”

I nodded, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well,” my dad scooted closer, “There was a pool of ice cream on the floor last time you were here and it was on a certain someone’s head.”

I snickered at the memory of that.

“Hey, it’s not funny!” My dad pushed me, “I had to clean up that sticky mess!”

“Sorry, sorry,” I chuckled even more, “I couldn’t help it. It was just funny.”

“I guess you’re better now.” My dad grinned at me as he put his arm around my shoulder, and I nodded, “Yeah, definitely better.”

“So, as a father, I should know things that goes on in your life, right?”

I looked at him, confused, “Yeah?”

“Then who was that boy that you dashed out of the restaurant with?”

That’s when my cheeks began to burn, and I immediately looked away, saying, “Just a friend, helping me.”

“Well,” My dad rubbed my shoulder, “I like that boy. He had guts to pour ice cream on that jerk, and run out with my daughter.”

“What?!” I exclaimed at him, “Seriously?! You know, most dads would be offended by that and be like ‘THAT BOY SHOULDN’T BE DRAGGING MY DAUGHTER EVERYWHERE LIKE A DOG! THAT’S MY LITTLE GIRL. BLAH BLAH.”

“Well,” He shrugged at me, “I’m not like most dads. I like that he stood up for you before I blew up on that guy.”

I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot with the thought of Gabe, “Thanks dad.”

“But next time, Nana,” my dad pointed at me, “I want to meet that boy, okay?”

“Of course, of course, dad.” I nodded, and started hugging him.

After my hang out with my dad, I walked out of the kitchen, and the first person I saw was Triston.

“Oh..” His eyes widened at the sight of me, “Hey, Jenna.”

“Hey..” I said shyly.

“So,” Triston leaned against a table, “Leaving soon?”

“Really soon.” I nodded, and he sighed, “That sucks. I wish you stayed longer so I get to fix my mess up.”

“Oh,” I bite my lower lip, and he nodded at me, “Yeahp.” he said as he popped the “P”

Things became silently between us and it was the most awkward thing ever.

You know, even though Triston did mess up big time, he did try to fix things. Not in the most pleasant way but I appreciate him trying to calm Gabe down at the restaurant. Even though Triston did mess up, he’s still human. His intentions were bad but it’s not like I’m ever gonna see this again. He may not have the best impression of me and I would kick him in the balls if I could, but I have my limits, so I guess you can say I’m over it. I mean, I do have Calum now as my boyfriend.

“Hey,” Triston broke the silence and I looked at him, “Yeah?”

“I’m really sorry about what happened.” He started rubbing the back of his head, “Like really, really sorry. I-I didn’t know why I had to do stupid things for a girl when I had an amazing girl in front of me.”

I chuckled a little, feeling light hearted about this.

“I know it’s cheesy, but it’s true.” He gave me a small smile, “You’re a cool chick and I wish I could get to know you better. Honestly, once I did, my intentions were changing every minute every time I was with you.”

“Really?” I asked in shock, and he nodded again, “Yeah.”

“Um, can I ask you something, though?”

“Yeah, shoot.”

“What happened with the last girl?”

Triston rolled his neck, sighing, “Ahh, I remember bringing her up at my dumb drunk moment.”

I laughed a little, nodding, “Yeah, you did.”

“Well,” He started playing with his thumbs, “There’s this girl I dated a few months back, and she moved away so she had to dump me. She didn’t believe in long distance relationship so she chose to leave me.”

“I’m so sorry.” I quickly said to him, “That must’ve been awful to go through.” I do understand what he probably went through. Long distance, chose of being dropped, and such.

“Yeah,” he took a deep breathe, “It sucked ass cause I really liked her. Almost fell for her, I guess. I was getting over her, till, I saw your cousin, Lani.”

“Why?” I asked him and he shrugged, “Lani looks a lot like her, honestly. It kind of brought me back in the past. I was so stupid of actually believing that I’ll have the same kind of relationship if I get with Lani since she looked like my last girl, but little did I know that you would change that.”

“Me?” I pointed at myself, “How? Why?”

Triston shrugged, “To be completely honest, I just love the way we talk to each other. I could be chill with you, and even though you would sass me and everything, it makes you really fun to talk to. It’s different.”

“So that’s why you just wanted to take me out?”

“Yeah, that’s why. I wanted to get to know you better and I thought being surrounded with other people would help, but I completely forgot about the drinking and I got so nervous to the point I drank also which was really really EXTREMELY stupid of me to do because I should’ve been considerate of you and I’m really sorry.”

“Apology accepted,” I patted his shoulder, “I mean, it’s not okay of what you did but I do appreciate you apologizing, and I accept it.”

“Just to let you know,” he walked closer to me, “I did like you a lot. I lost interest in Lani as soon I got to know you better, or at least a little more.”

For some reason, that made me feel a lot lighter on the chest. It did bother me that he asked me out just to get closer to Lani, but at least he told me this. Even though I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not, but at least he’s telling me this to calm my nerves.

“Thank you, Triston.” I smiled at him, “For clearing things up between us.”

“No problem,” he grinned back at me, then asked, “What about Gabe?”

“What about him?” I asked sternly, and Triston put his hands up, laughing a little, “Woah, I mean, are you gonna fix things with him?”

I shrugged, “Right now, I don’t think so. I mean, between you and me, it’s easy because we aren’t close to each other, but with Gabe,” I did a big sigh, “It’s just that, we have history with each other and it’s gonna take me a while to fix things.”

“I guess you still have some unfinished business.” Triston playfully pushed me and I nodded, “You have no idea, but hey, it’ll be finish when it wants to be. I can’t force it.”

“That’s true.” Triston agreed, and said, “Come visit some time, Chicago girl? I would like to see your pretty face at the pier some time getting son dippin dots.”

“Wait till then, Cali boy. I hope things will go great in school and your family.”

When we did a friendly hug good bye, I started walking towards the door, till I heard Triston calling out, “Hey!”

I turned around and Triston said to me, “That guy is lucky, you know. The one you ran out with. I could tell that he really liked you since he stood up for you like that, even though I was the one who had to help your dad clean it up.”

I started laughing, shrugging, “Sorry! And it’s the other way around,” I said to Triston with a grin on my face, “I’m pretty lucky to have him.”

“Oh and um,” Triston scratched the back of his head, “Sorry about coming to your house out of nowhere.”

“How did you find where I live anyways?”

“Uh, your mom is quite a peppy person when it comes with guys going to their daughters place. Apparently, it’s romantic.”

I dropped my head, since I knew my mom would say that.

“Sorry again. I promise I’m not a creep.” Triston said as he started laughing and I nodded, laughing also, “It’s okay, just next time, give a girl a warning, okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” Triston waved at me as I headed out of the restaurant, ready to go home.

“So,” Michael said as he swallowed his burger, “You worked things out with Triston?”

I nodded, and ate a fry, “Yeah, I did.”

“That’s good,” He nodded, and I couldn’t help but to ask, “Don’t mind me asking, but whose Natalie?”

Michael rolled eyes, groaning, “Here we go again.”

“I’m being so serious,” I chuckled at his reaction, “Who is she?”

“Lani’s friend that I briefly met or not even met, just face timed her for a little while Lani face times her.”

“Do you like her?”

“I barely know her.”

“Do you think she’s pretty?”

Michael went silent took another bite, mumbling, “Maybe.”

“Hopeless.” I shook my head at him, and continued eating my lunch.

I’m really glad that I had a chance of working things out with Triston. Even though it took a while, but he cleared up a lot of things for me, and I probably gave him peace also since I told him that it’s okay. Gabe is still a work in progress, I know that it’s okay that it is for a while. Not everything can be solved right away. Sometimes, it takes time for the turn out so while we have our time apart, I’m gonna let myself go with the flow and not worry about it. If it comes up and he’s completely sober, then I’ll fix it, but till then, I’m doing just fine.



anyways, another cute chapter coming up~ ;) heh. love you all!

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