Chapter 19: Sweaty Couple

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“AND I WIN THIS BATTLE!” Michael jumped in the air after kicking Luke’s butt on Tekken which is a fighting that Lani and I actually enjoy playing. We were planning on going against each other, but Luke and Michael walked in on us and wanted to try it out.

“Where’s Calum?” I asked as Lani and Luke were up against each other, and Michael wiggled his brows at me, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“Hey!” I threw a popcorn at him, “We were supposed to have a learning session!”

“Still learning how to play Bass, I see.” Michael gave me grin, “Why so interested on mastering it?”

“Why not?” I glared at him. Seriously, every time I have a conversation about Calum, Michael would do anything to make it sound dirty or wrong. Classic, Michael.

“Maybe it’s not the bass you want to play,” Michael put the controller down, and leaned back, casually, “Maybe it’s the bassist himself.”

“Ewww...” Luke, and Lani groaned at the same while I shrieked, “OH SHUT UP, MICHAEL!”,  and threw a pillow at him, “YOU MAKE EVERYTHING SOUND SO WRONG.”

“Is Michael bothering you again?” I heard a familiar voice from a far, and Ashton and Calum walked in with plastic bags.

“See you guys bought lunch.” Lani jumped out of the couch and help the guys set up the food.

“Michael thinks I want to play you, Calum.” I said as I got up the couch, and walked towards him.

“In soccer?” Calum raised his brows at me as he set down on the high chair, “Cause I do want a game with you.”

“Excuse me,” I sat next to him, “You owe me bass lessons.”

“Okay, here’s the deal then, if you win,” He pointed at me, “then I’ll give you lessons, BUT!”

“But..” I waved my hand for him to continue and he pointed at himself, “If I win, then I’ll take you out on a date.”

“WHAT?!” Lani and the guys gasped at the same time, and I think Michael is choking on food right now.

Calum lips formed a big grin, nodding, “Yeah, a date. Come on, Jenna, you should’ve saw this coming.”

“Uh..” I managed to let out in total shock, and my head began to feel dizzy. Calum Hood just asked me out on a date. CALUM THOMAS HOOD ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE.

“Well?” He held out a hand to shake on, “Deal?

I pursed my lips, unsure on what to say. He knows I’m gonna lose since I suck at sports in general so let alone being good at soccer. But yet again, maybe it’s his way of just taking me out. Do I trust him?

“Deal.” I took his hand and shake it, “Let’s play.”

The guys, Lani and I went to the front yard, and got the soccer ball ready. We set up two laundry baskets since we didn’t have proper nets. Calum played with the soccer ball for a bit while Lani put her arm around my shoulder, laughing a little, “You sure like him, don’t you?”

“It’s just a game, Lani.” I answered bluntly, and she nodded, agreeing sarcastically, “Sure is, Jenna.” Then patted my shoulder, “Have fun! Good luck.”

I walked towards Calum who kicked the ball up in the air and caught it with his hands. He looked at me, and explained, “Okay, here’s the plan. We won’t have any goalies, instead, we have to make at least three goals. You win, you get your lessons, but if I win, I’m getting that date.” He winked at me when he said that which made me smile a little, “Deal?”

“Deal.” I nodded, “Ready to get your butt kicked?”

“Don’t be bluffing with me, Red. I hope you have a cute outfit for that date.” Calum winked at me, then three ball in the air, and he used his head to hit to his direction so he can make his way to the goal. Damn my short height. I tried to catch up with him, and managed to steal the ball away from him.

“Woah,” He gasped, and laughed, “Who knew Red is quick?”

“Perks of being a shortie.” I yelled out, and started to kick towards my goal. Calum ran in front me, and attempted to take kick the ball away from me, but I dodged it, and ran pass him.

I did my first attempt to kick the ball into the goal, and it made it!

“WAY TO GO JENNA!” Lani cheered for me and so did the guys as they made a lot of loud noises and cheered my name.

“YES!” I jumped, and flew my arms up in the air, cheering, “ONE POINT!” then I turned around to Calum, holding up two fingers, “TWO MORE TO GO!”

“This is just the beginning, Jenna.” Calum licked his lips, and ran towards the basket to get the ball.

After lots of running, panting, and accidental shin kicking, we’re tied with two points.

“I should win cause those kicks were painful!” Calum whined at me, and held his shins, “Like, damn, you have some kick.”

“I’ve been taught well!” I smiled, and ready my position, “Are you gonna kick or not? I’m ready to learn some songs with those bass chords.”

“I don’t think we’ll have time for that since I’ll be taking you out.” Calum shot back, and we heard Michael yelling, “QUITE FLIRTING AND KICK THE BALL ALREADY.”

Calum did what he was told and kicked passed me swiftly. Luckily, I moved quickly to kick the ball away from him, nearly tripping him over.

“FOUL!” Calum yelled at me, but I yelled back, “You didn’t say there was rules!” and started moving towards my goal.

“DAMN IT, JENNA.” I heard Calum groaned loudly, and reached towards me. We sure know how to be slick, and trick each other. I fooled Calum with a few fake kicks, but because he reacts fast, he blocks my actual kick. God, I’m getting tired. I already feel the sweat soaking through my shirt.

As I ran my towards my goal, I used my full on strength when I kicked the ball, and it made it towards the laundry basket.

“GOOOOOAL!” I jumped in the air, cheering of happiness, “I WIN!”

“YEEEEAH!” I heard the guys cheer and Luke towards me and picked me up in the air, cheering, “THE CHAMPION, MISS JENNA ROOOOOSE!”

I shook my arms in the air of happiness, and when Luke set me down, I went up to Calum to is resting his arms on his knees, panting like dog.

“Hey,” I tapped his shoulder, and he looked up, grinning, “Congrats, champ.” Then stood straight up, and patted my shoulder, “I taught you well.”

I chuckled, and nodded, “Thanks. You were an awesome teacher.”

“So,” he wiped some sweat off his forehead, “Let’s eat lunch, wash off the sweat, and start on your lessons?”

I pursed my lips, “Sounds like a plan, Bass.”

“Too bad I couldn’t take you out on a date.” he shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked down, shyly which was adorable.

“Hey,” I nudged him, “Today won’t be date night, but I would love to go on a date with you.”

Calum’s head shot up, looking at me, with wide eyes, gasping, “REALLY?!”

“Why so shocked?” I laughed, surprised at his reaction.

“I mean, well, I-I just thought..” Calum started to fumble his words, and grew a really wide smile, “I’m just happy, that’s all.”

You know, Calum’s smile is definitely something. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Is this what it’s supposed to feel? When you like someone, and their smile is something so precious to you and you want to be reason for it? That’s how I’m feeling right now, and I just want to see him smiling no matter what.

“So, free this Saturday?” Calum asked me casually, “Cause I would love to take you out somewhere with just us two.”

“That sounds great. Saturday will be date night.” I bite my lower lip, feeling super excited for this date.


“Of coarse.” I nodded, and looked at Calum who mumbled under his breathe, “Way to ruin the moment.”

I started laugh at his comment and he looked at me, grinning, “You heard that?”

“How can I not?” I smiled back at him, “I agree with you but hey, we have this saturday.”

“Yeah, Saturday.” Calum and I started walking towards the house with Lani and the guys, and he put his arm around my shoulder.

“Ew,” I winced, “You’re all sweaty.”

“So are you.” Calum pinched my cheeks, “That makes us a sweaty couple.”

“You’re calling us a couple?” I looked up at him and he shrugged, “It feels right.”

“Huh..” I looked away and he continued, “I mean, two people means couple right?”

My heart dropped, and I started to giggle a little, “Yes Calum, it does mean that.”

I don’t know if it was intentional of him calling us a couple or that I assume too much to the point that he considered us as a couple couple, but hey, at least I finally have a date with Calum. For the first time, I’m actually looking forward to this date and it’s with a guy I’m completely heads over heels for.


More Calenna moments ^^ hehe, don't mind the chapters right now. It's just to help them build and such, but things will get interesting soon ;)

Love you all!

Please check out "A Hint of Love: A Bittersweet Lovestory" pleeeease. It would mean a lot ^^

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