Chapter 21: Beach Day

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"Who took the sunblock?!" I yelled downstairs as I was packing for our Beach trip to Venice Beach. Lani planned this when 5SOS said they had a day off for the whole day, so we all agreed to go the Venice beach while I'm still here.

"I HAVE IT!" Lani called out, and I felt a huge relief on my chest. If I don't have it, I swear to go, I'll burn and look like a walking tomato. I ran back inside, and checked my beach bag if I packed all the things I need for the trip. I'm super stoked for this because I haven't been to the beach yet other then that one night but that doesn't count because it was at night and I was surrounded by drunk people. So, I finally get to the beach officially, and actually have a great time. Once I was done checking my things. I took my bag and ran downstairs, then towards the kitchen, and I see Lani and the guys all ready.

"Ready to go?" Lani asked me and I nodded, "Yeah! I'm excited!"

"I can tell," She chucked at my excitement, "Let's go then!"

The guys started cheering and ran out the door with great enthusiasm, leaving Lani and I behind.

"These guys," I shook my head at them as we walked out the house, "Couldn't wait for us?"

The guys turned around, and Ashton shook his head, "There's no time for walking slow." and Michael added, "The beach can't wait for us!"

"Sure, sure." I agreed sarcastically, and walked to the back of the car to put my stuff there.

"OI!" I heard and got water sprayed into my face out of nowhere.

"WHAT THE HELL." I yelled, and looked at what was going on, and I see Luke holding a water spray bottle, and Calum standing on the side.

"Way to go, Lucas." Calum laughed at him as he patted Luke's shoulder, "Causing trouble even before we get to the beach."

"I am so sorry." He said with his voice shaking because of laughter.

I waved my hands at him, "It's fine. I needed to be cooled down anyways."

That's when a towel was thrown to my face, and someone was rubbing my cheeks, making it dry. When the towel moved out of my eyes, Calum was in front of me, smiling, "Aren't you adorable in your cover up?"

"Shut up." I mumbled under the towel, and took the towel off my face, "Thanks."

"No problem, Red." Calum patted my head and walked passed me.

I held the towels on my hands as my eyes trailed the direction of where Calum was walking, and when I turned back, all I see is Luke, Ashton, and Michael giving me a weird look.

"What?" I asked and they just shook there heads at me, and Ashton said, "You two need to get a room."

"What?!" I gasped, but they were already walking away, hollering, "NOTHING!"

I hate it when they do that.

After a long drive of us getting either getting lost, or bad traffic, we finally made it to the beach! The place wasn't too crowded or empty, just right, and the vibe was what I needed. Everyone was laughing, playing music, and having a good time. The weather was definitely hot, but I'm not dying under it so this beach day is already going great.

We chose a spot where we wanted to put our stuff, and I already soaked myself in sunscreen before doing anything on the beach.

"So," I took off my cover up, "What are we gonna do first?"

"Well.." Ashton said as he walked towards my direction, and out of nowhere, he picked up to his shoulders, yelling, "TO THE WATER!"

"WHAT THE HELL!!" I screeched, and when I looked up, I see Lani waving at me with a smile. Then I saw the guys running next to us, and once we reached the water, Ashton dropped to a bridal style carry, and said, "Ready to cool down?"

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