Chapter 9: Cuddle?

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“Ugh...” I mumbled as I slowly opened my eyes. Everything is so blurry. My head is throbbing. Note to self: Don’t drink too much soda before bed. Bed. Huh, I’m in my bed. The last thing I remembered was being in a car ride with Michael, Ashton, and Calum. I don’t remember waking up, and heading to bed. I’m still wearing my clothes from last night too. I wonder who tucked me in bed. It’s probably Lani.

I did a big yawn, and blinked my eyes a few more times till I turned around and closed them again, hoping to get five more minutes. As I settled in, I felt sudden breathing on my forehead. What. I felt something close my body. Who. I opened my eyes, and there he was. Calum close to my face. His hair on his forehead, and his mouth slightly open.

I covered my mouth before I screamed. My heart just stopped. Holy shit. Calum is knocked out in my bed. WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT.

“Oh god..”I whispered, and just looked at him. Awww, he looks adorable sleeping. I should wake him but at the same time, he’s soundly sleeping. I slowly looked up, to see if Lani is in bed. Lani is not present but Luke is, and he is also knocked out in bed also. I rolled my eyes, quietly laughing, and slowly getting out of bed to make sure Calum doesn’t wake up, letting Cake sleep.

I changed into a random t-shirt, and leggings to head downstairs. As I walked to the kitchen, the first thing I see is Lani eating cereal.

“Morning, Jenna.” Lani smiled at me, and pointed at her bowl, “Cereal?”

“Yes please.” I sat down on a high chair, letting Lani get a bowl, and a box of cereal for me.

“So...” I poured the milk and cereal, and mix them together, “How was date night?”

“Wonderful.” Lani sighed, “Luke and I desperately needed it. How about your hang out with the guys? Sorry that I didn’t wake you. You looked really peaceful and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Oh it’s fine!” I waved my hands at her, “I’m glad that you and Luke finally got some alone time. The hang out was fun, actually. We just ate pizza, and drove around LA, terribly singing random songs on the radio, and other nonsense.”

“Sounds fun.”

“Did you guys came home late?”

“No, actually,” Lani pointed her spoon at me, “We came home before you guys. Ashton got kind of lost, and you guys came home very late.”

“Of coarse.” I dropped my head, and rested my chin on the palm of my hand, “Michael predicted it.”

“We all do honestly.” Lani chuckled, “Anyways, we heard the car parking, the door opened, and all I saw was Calum carrying you.”

“WHAT.” I choked on my milk and cereal, and started coughing.

“Jesus,” Lani started laughing, “Are you okay?”

“Wrong pipe.” I coughed out, “Calum carried me?”

“Yeah,” Lani nodded, smiling, “It was adorable. He was carrying you bridal style, and you head was rested on his chest. I was gonna tuck you in bed, but Calum insisted and took you in our room. When Luke and I were about to go to sleep and head to our room, the first thing we saw last night was Calum knocked out next to you and ahhh,” Lani did a big sigh, “You two were cuddling, and it was so adorable.”

That’s when she took out her phone, “I had to take a picture.”

I took her phone, and the pictures is me, laying down, knocked out in bed with Calum’s arms wrapped around my waist and his hand intertwined with mine.

My jaw dropped. Did we really sleep like this? Calum was holding on to my so close to the point that there was no gap between us and my back was against his chest, letting him rest his chin on top of my head.

“Looking cozy, huh?” Lani started wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I gave her back my phone, and just sat there. Shocked. No guy ever once carried me to bed so let alone sleep in the same bed as me. Gabe never done those things. All he would do is just put his around at my shoulder, and hug me, that’s all. Cuddle? Nope. Not like how Calum cuddles me.

“We tried waking him up, but he refused and snuggled his head on top of your head!” Lani squealed, “Gosh, it was so cute. I wish Luke and I could do cute things like you two, but we’re too complicated for that.”

“I guess the complication never ends.” I finally cracked a grin as I took a scoop of cereal in my mouth, and Lani nodded, scoffing, “You have no idea, but hey, that’s the fun part. Love isn’t simple or easy. Sometimes it haves there bumps, but at the end, it’s worth every step you take.”

“Very sappy, but inspiring.” I nodded at her, “Got any plans for later?”

Lani shook her head, “No, I’m beat from last night. Just want to relax here as the guys work?”

I nodded, “Sounds like a good plan.” That’s when I realized, “Shit..”

“What?” Lani asked me, and I rubbed my temples, “I have to call Gabe.”

“I thought you two are taking a break?”

“Yeah, but..” I sighed, “Gabe thinks otherwise. I have to talk to him and straighten things out.”

I got up, and headed up to my room. As I walked in, I still see Luke and Calum knocked out still.

“Oh god..” I whispered, shaking my head at them. I headed to my night stand, taking my phone out my charger. When I was done, I stayed down, and looked through my phone. Jesus. Gabe knows how to spam my phone. Non stop text messages, missed calls, and voicemails.

I decided to listen to one of them, and I chose a random one, it blasted loud music and yelling. I’m guessing Gabe was at a party when he called me at this time.

“Look, babe..” Gabe said, sounding a bit woozy, and off, “I wuuuv you. Pwease call me...”

Okay. Don’t tell me he just drunk called me.

“I know I’m vewy stuuuuupeeeed, but forgibe...” He made a loud burp that sounding like he was gonna puke.

I rolled my eyes and deleted it. I took another chance, and chose another voice mail.

“You are my sunshiiiine...” Gabe started signing, with his voice very high and soft, “My only sunshiiiine...” then he started cracking up as if I made a joke.

“I love you, baby..” Gabe said again, sounding high as fudge. I’m guessing College boy decided to go out for some comfort time. Comfort meaning Drinking and whatever he took that made him high. Gabe is not much of a partier but he parties only when he’s upset which is a big no, but he can’t help is sometimes.

I deleted that, and tried one more cause you know what they say, third time the charm! So I chose a recent one.

“Jenna, if you heard the voice mails, I am so sorry..” Gabe sounds normal finally, “I was being stupid, and I just gave in. My friend had a party and you know me when I get upset. Party feels like is my only option. This is why I need you. To make sure those voicemails never happen. I’m sorry, Jenna, please call me back. I love you.”

Then out of nowhere, I heard a girl’s voice calling his name but it hung up by the time the girl spoke more. What? I looked at my phone, and felt a sudden rush of paranoia. Is he with a girl? Or that could be a friend? Wait. Why do I care? We’re on a break. Of coarse he would find another girl replace. She’s probably amazing since she’s with him.

I set my phone down, and sat down, letting my back rest against my nightstand. God. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt. I put my hands on my hand to let my rest.

It was quiet in the room but with subtle sounds of Luke and Calum breathing. That’s when you know the guys are REALLY tired. The house is quiet, and you hear no snoring.

Later, I heard someone shuffling, and a voice next to me whispered, “Jenna...”

I looked at the direction of the voice, and it was Calum. He’s facing me now, and his eyes were still closed. Sleep talking?

“Calum?” I whispered to see if he would respond but nothing. Probably still sleeping.

That’s when I started kneeling in front of him to get a closer look. I feel like a total creeper, but how can you not look an insanely adorable guy sleep peacefully?

I put my hands on the bed, letting my chin rest on top of them. Calum, oh, Calum. Pulling moves even when I’m sleeping.

I cracked smiling just by thinking about him carrying me, and snuggling me as if I was a teddy bear.

God, his lips. I stared at them for a good minute. His lips are ten times better than mine. I bet he would say that he prefer mine over his. I could just hear his voice saying that to me and for some reason, that my heart flutter.

Calum Hood. Calum Thomas Hood. I leaned in, having a closer look of him. I mean, he’s sleeping! He’s not gonna notice. Or at least that’s what I thought...

Out of nowhere, I heard Calum speaking, “Morning kiss?”

I jumped, causing me to fall back, ending up moving Lani’s bed.

“SHIT!” I heard Luke gasped as we heard a huge thud on the floor.

“JESUS CHRIST, CALUM!” I shrieked, “YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME.” I put my hand on my chest, feeling my heart racing.

Calum started giggling, turned to me, resting his head on his hand, “That’s what you get for staring at me.”

“Oh why I outta..” I groaned as I took a pillow, and started hitting him with it.

“AH!!!” Calum grunted and curled into a ball, “JENNA IS ATTACKING ME!!!”

“THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT, ASSHOLE.” I yelled as I continued to hit him.

That’s when Lani walked in, asking, “What was that loud thud?”

I stopped, turned around and all I see is Luke grabbing on to the bed, trying to get up.

“SERIOUSLY,” Luke finally got up, and put his hand on my head, “Is pushing me out of bed a habit that runs in the family?”

“Maybe you should stop sleeping so close to the edge of the bed.” Lani crossed her arms, laughing at him, then looked at me, “Do I need to know you’re beating up Calum with a pillow?”

“He scared the crap out me.” I groaned, and hit him one more time, then Calum started laughing out, “JENNA. I WAS JUST MESSING WITH YOU.”

“BUT NOT TO THE POINT OF GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK!!” I continued to him multiple times.

“Okay,” I heard Luke sighed, and walked towards Lani, “I think it’s time to get up.”

“Yeah, we should leave the love birds alone.”

“To think that’s how you wake me up in the morning.”

“Do I really look that?” Lani chuckled as their voices started to fade, and Luke laughed back, “You have no idea.” that’s when the door finally closed.

I sat down on Lani’s bed, heavily breathing, “You suck.”

Calum stood straight, laughing, “That was funny,” then looked at me, “You had no idea that I was actually awake.”

“That’s because you didn’t say anything when I said your name!” I threw the pillow at him and Calum took the pillow, still laughing, “That’s the point, Jenna.”

“Whatever.” I crossed my arms, “I wasn’t gonna kiss you.”

“Oh really?” Calum raised his brows at me, and gave me this mischievous grin, “Cause I could’ve sworn that you were staring at me for a few minutes and was ready to give me a kiss.”

I shot up, getting annoyed by this, “Don’t flatter yourself, Bass.” I started walking away, but Calum took my wrist and pulled me in with his arm slipping it’s way around my waist.

“What’s the hurry, Red?” Calum whispered close to my ear, “We have all morning.”

“What’s with the we?” I looked at him, and oh how I regret it because his face is super close to mine, “And Red? New nickname?”

Calum nodded, smiling, “I find it adorable how you instantly turn tomato red when you’re nervous, scared, and/or excited.”

“Oh god,” I rolled my eyes at him and looked away, then started slapping his hand, “Now let go! You have a busy day.”

“Noooooo.” Calum started snuggling his head on my neck, “Few more minutes.”

“Jesus,” I groaned, “So touchy in the morning.”

“Speaking of morning, you never thanked me for tucking you in.” Calum rested his chin on my shoulder.

I crossed my arms, and mumbled in a low voice, “Thank you..”

“What?” Calum moved his face closer to mine, “I didn’t hear that.”

I looked away even more, “I said THANK YOU.”

“Awwww, Jenna is so adorable.” Claum started pulling me closer with his body against mine.

“LET GO OF ME.” I squirmed, “I’m not a teddy bear!”

“To me you are.” Calum still had his head on my shoulder, “That’s why I couldn’t leave your side when I tucked you in. It was like snuggling with a teddy bear last night.”

“Why do you keep cuddling with me?” I blurted out.


“You know,” I turned around to face him but his arms were still intact with my waist, “Hugging me like this.”

“Doesn’t Gabe hold you like this though?” Calum asked me, but then slapped his forehead, “Sorry, I know I wasn’t supposed to mention him.”

“Too late for that.” I chuckled, and shrugged, “No, not really. Gabe would just hold my hand, put his arm around my shoulder, and such.”

“Did you two kiss?” Calum poked my side that made me squirm, “Huuuh?”

I covered my face, and sighed, “Yes, we did.”

“Is that your first kiss?” Calum asked me as he pulled me close.

I nodded, letting my hands down, “I mean, physically, yes.”

“Physically?” Calum chuckled, “What do you mean?”

“You know, physically, he’s my first kiss but emotionally? I’m not sure.”

“Sounds interesting,” Calum started stroking his chin as if he haves a beard, “Enlighten me, Red.”

I rolled my eyes, laughing, “Fine.” Then explained, “First kiss is something special. You can kiss anyone. It could be family, or maybe friends, or maybe strangers. Kisses can be used so commonly, but First kisses is something different.”

“Something different?” Calum asked.

I nodded, “Yeah. Cliche as it is, I think the First Kiss something you feel inside. As if it were fireworks. The explosion of sparks inside your body that gives you goosebumps or something. I don’t know.” I shrugged, “Special. Something special.”

“Huh,” Calum nodded as I looked at him, “Sounds very cliche.”

“Don’t judge me.” I gave him a light push, “I’m a hopeless romantic.”

“You definitely are.” Calum smiled at me, “So, you’re first kiss with Gabe wasn’t THAT emotional First Kiss?”

“I don’t know,” I sighed, “I mean, I like him, but I guess not in that way.”

“Then why were you still with him?”

“He’s my first boyfriend!” I told him, “I don’t know how it exactly works with relationships, but I hoped that my feelings for him would grow. Sadly, it never did. I couldn’t even say the big L word to him.”

“Seriously?” Calum gasped, “I thought you really liked him.”

“Is it because he took me out on a lot of dates?”

Calum shrugged, “I mean, it gave me an idea.”

“The dates were fun and all,” I explained, “But it wasn’t really extravagant to the point of me falling for him.”

“Oh,” Calum looked away, and asked, “Are you two gonna get back together?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. He probably found someone better than me by now.”

“Now what gave you that idea?”

“When I listened to one of his voicemails, I heard a girl’s voice calling his name. It could just me being paranoid, but it gave me an idea.”

“Why do you think Gabe would leave you? You’re amazing!”

“Not really.” I shook my head, “There’s nothing really special about me.”

“You think this way because?”

“Well, I’m not like Lani. She’s a photographer with twist and turns in her life while I’m an awkward shortie with minimal experience. You know, average. I’m pretty average for a girl, so I don’t blame Gabe leaving me for another one.”

“Oh Jenna,” Calum pulled me close, “You’re one insecure girl.”

“It’s not that I’m insecure!” I exclaimed, “I accept that. I don’t mind being average. That’s why I won’t be surprised if Gabe and I don’t get back together because he found someone better.”

“Trust me,” Calum patted my head, “You’re more than average. You’re funny, adorable, a total musician threat. I mean, ukulele, piano, guitar, and NOW bass. You can play anything! Also, you have some soccer moves in you.”

“Thanks to you.” I patted Calum’s chest, and Calum chuckled, “You’re very welcome.” Then he continued, “But really, Jenna, you’re something different, and Gabe would be a total idiot if he leaves you. You’re anything but average, okay, Red?”

I smiled, “Sure thing, Cheeks. Should we head downstairs now?”

“Few more minutes.” Calum rested his head on top of my head, but I whined, “You said that a few minutes ago!”

“Then give me more few minutes.”

“Fine.” I gave in, and took my phone, looking through my phone again, seeing a bunch of text from Gabe.

“You should talk to him, Jenna.” Calum blurted out.

“What do you mean?” I asked him, feeling confused.

“You like him, don’t you?”

“I guess...”

“Then just work things out with him.” Calum explained, “I promise you that things will get better between you two.”

“Promise is a big word.” I sighed, remembering Calum’s promises.

That’s when Calum pulled me even closer, snuggling his head between my neck and shoulder, “And relationships is a big commitment. He should stick with it.”

“I guess so.” I sighed, and Calum started snickering, “Lots of guesses.”

“Because I’m not sure about a lot of things anymore.”

“Since when that happened?”

“It’s been like this for a while.” I started playing my hands. God, this is so awkward. I’m seriously indirectly talking about us, but I don’t know if Calum caught on.

“I see,” Calum nodded, “Well, it’ll get better.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so.” Calum started moving his head but his hair started tickling my cheek.

I pushed his head, “Stop! That tickles!”

“Oh really?” Calum chuckled, and started shaking his head towards my face, but I started pushing him, yelling, “STOP IT!!”


“YOU SUCK, CALUM!!” I shouted, as he was tickling my side, making me laugh and scream so bad.

“OI!” The door flew open make us turn our head towards the door, and I see the guys with their bowl of cereal and Lani smiling at us, “Are you two done yet?”

I nodded, and got up, taking a deep breathe, “Sorry, somebody is too busy being a jerk.”

“Yeah, Jenna.” Calum scoffed, “Stop being a jerk.”

I rolled my eyes, laughing, “Put a sock in it, bass.”

“Ouch,” Michael hissed, “Somebody is being sassy.”

“I’m exhausted.” I crossed my arms, “I was just ambushed, and attacked. Now I just want to eat.”

{ Calum POV }

“So you and Jenna getting cozy, huh?” Luke started nudging me, as we were in our van, and I shook my head, “Shut up, man. Just messing around, that’s all.”

“Yeah, but two were all over each other all morning long.” Michael pushed my shoulder, “It’s like you two are inseparable.”

“Like how Calum knocked out in Jenna’s bed?” Ashton brought up, and the guys started laughing, and Luke nodded, “Yeah, that was cute.”

When we were in the studios, I had to confess somethings. I have a lot of things on my mind, and I don’t know how to sort them out.

“Hey Ash.” I went up to Ashton as Luke and Michael were recording something with their guitars, “Can we talk?”

“Sure thing, buddy.” Ashton patted the seat next to him, and I sat down, leaning back, “What’s on your mind, Calum?”

“A lot of things.”

“Break them down for me.”

“Okay, first of all,” I looked at Ashton, “I pulled off a Luke last night when I tucked Jenna to bed.”

Ashton gave me a confused look, “What? A Lu...” His voice faded and grinned widely, “YOU DIDN’T.”

I nodded, “I gave in and did it.”

What did I do exactly?

[ flashback ]

 As I set Jenna down, and put the blanket over her, I pretty much did what Jenna did to me earlier. I stared at her as she was peacefully sleeping. I pushed her hair back away from her face, and I let my fingers trailed down her cheek. Oh god. She thinks my cheeks are soft? Hers are definitely touchable. Now I know why Luke was tempted to kiss Lani as she was sleeping. Jenna sleeping is something so wonderful to look at. Her face was peaceful, and she looked so cozy.

So, I took a deep breathe, and thought to myself, “Ah Fuck it.” then leaned it and lightly kissed her lips. Ah, her lips were so soft. I wanted to lean it for a second kiss but, I think that would just wake her so I just stood back up, admiring her peaceful sleep. Oh god, I sound like a creeper now.

[ flashback over ]

“Yeah,” I nodded, “I kissed her.”

“Dude.” Ashton slapped my arm, “What’s up with you and Luke kissing your girls when they’re sleeping? What’s wrong with kissing them when they’re perfectly awake?”

“Weeeell,” I rolled my head, “They can’t reject you when they’re sleeping.”

“Good point.” Ashton pointed at me, “So, that’s one thing, what’s another one you want to talk about?”

“Is it bad that I’m falling for Jenna even more everyday but I’m pushing her towards he ex boyfriend?”

“WHAT?!” Ashton gasped, “Wait, woah. You like Jenna, and possibly falling for her, but you’re pushing her to get back with her ex boyfriend?!”

I nodded, and pulled covered my face, “I don’t know why but I feel like I’m too late.”

“Too late for what?”

I sighed, and rested my elbows on my knees, “I feel like that guy can do so much better of being a boyfriend because he can actually be with her while I’m always far away and busy.”

“So, you’re saying that you’re not as great compared to the other guy for Jenna?”

“Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m saying. She told me that she likes him, and how that’s her first boyfriend ever, BUT she did say that she hasn’t even say the L word to him yet.”

“Okay,” Ashton nodded, “I don’t see the problem here. You’re telling me that you’re not right for Jenna because you’re not that great compared to the last guy, but Jenna is not even sure if she even likes him that way.” Ashton put his hand on his forehead, “I am so confused.”

“THIS IS WHY I NEEDED SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS!” I ran my hand through my hair, getting irritated.

“Hold on, hold on.” Ash waved his hands on me, “I’m gonna lecture you, okay?”

“Hit me with your best shot.”

“Look,” Ashton leaned towards me, “Jenna is a great girl and she deserves the best. The last guy is probably not for because she broke up with him for a reason. Obviously she’s trying to figure things out. Also, you told the boys and I that you would try to win her back, but you keep having this sudden doubt of not being the one for her. That, my friend, is something you can’t have when you try to win someone over. You have to be confident, Calum!” He put his hand on my shoulder, “You can’t keep comparing yourself to this guy who had a bigger advantage than you and just because he’s around her more often doesn’t make him the better guy.”

“Well...” I tried to prove a point but Ashton shook his head, “No, it doesn’t, Calum. Besides, if you really like her, you would let her pick which one. Let her be, and just be happy for her. Also, you have a huge a chance right now! She’s here, you two are cuddling, and you never know but obviously we all do, Jenna might like you back.”

“After what I did to her a few months ago?” I told him, “I don’t think so. I feel like she’s holding back from me.”

“Then prove to her that she haves no reason to.” Ashton put his arm around my shoulder, “Stop being such a wimp, Calum. Have some confidence! That other guy got nothing you.”

“I guess you’re right.” I nodded, and Ashton patted my back, “You have to KNOW. CONFIDENCE! CONFIDENCE, MY FRIEND.”

“Okay, okay, I know you’re right. I guess I feel like I’m holding her back. She says that she haves minimal experience and I’ll be the reason why she can’t live her life because she’s waiting for me.”

“It’s Jenna’s choice if she wants to wait, mate.” Ashton patted my back again, “Some people are worth waiting for.”

“But why me?” I asked him and Ashton shrugged, “Why asking me? I have no idea what she sees in you.”

“Oh ha ha,” I sarcastically laughed, “You’re right. I just thought it would the last guy would be the best for her.”

“Oh don’t pull of a Lani’s dad and assume what’s best. Let Jenna figure that out, and let it flow.”

“You have a point,” I chuckled, and took out my phone, then go to the picture of Jenna and me when we’re in chicago. It was just me giving her a piggy back ride.

“I can tell Jenna likes you still, Calum.” Ashton stood up, “Just don’t be like Luke, and do something stupid.”

“Meaning?” I looked at him.

Ashton shrugged, “I don’t know. Don’t be stupid.”

“That’s helpful.” I laughed, “Very helpful. Thank you for your time, Mr. Irwin.”

“No problem, buddy.” He scratched the top of my head, “I’m used to his girl problems talk thanks to Lukey. Just stop pushing, Jenna. She’ll get back with the guy if she wants to but whenever she needs you, just help her out.”

“Of coarse.”

He’s right.

I guess I just felt discouraged because Gabe did everything I ever wanted to do to Jenna, and he beat me to it, but maybe I still have a chance. I got to cuddle with her, and haves some fun times. I have this chance right now to win her over, and if she picks me, then everything will be worth it. I just want to make up for that time of fading. I knew she was pointing me out earlier when we’re talking promises, and guesses. I know I screwed up but I just want her to be happy. That’s all. Even if it’s not with me.
Suckish chapter but hey, it's progess for Calenna ^^ Love you guys!

"It's Something" # 2 - Something Different: Calum Hood [ completed ]Where stories live. Discover now