Chapter 16: Fighter

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I walked in and of coarse, I heard a roar of laughter, and it was familiar laughs.

The laughs became silent and turned into whispers. Not only Triston is here, but Gabe also. Just my luck.

“Uh, Jenna..” I heard Lani calling me, obviously seeing Gabe, but I just ignored her and ran to the kitchen.

“Dad!” I called out, and I saw his coworker who pointed somewhere saying, “Office.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at him and walked towards his office. He was sitting down on a chair, looking at his laptop, and I knocked on his door, whispering, “Hey.”

“Jesus Jenna,” My dad groaned as he got up and walked fast to me to give me one hell of a warm hug, “You made me worried.”

“I know,” I sighed, “I’m sorry, dad. I didn’t mean to.”

“I don’t care how busy you are, please make time for your family.” My dad kissed my head and looked at me, “Okay, Nana?”

“Yes, dad.” I nodded, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” He patted my head and leaned against his desk, “Now, Lani told me you guys were out at the movies.”

“Yeah,” I said to him, “We went out to the movies.”

My dad raised his brows at me, “Now Lani, is that the complete truth?”

I pursed my lips. I’m a daddy’s girl so lying to him is like lying to the Court Judge. Unbearable.

“Update me, Nana,” My dad crossed his arms, “I see Gabe sitting at my restaurant, getting cozy with a girl, and Triston haves pretty red eyes right now. Tell me, what’s going on?”

I sighed, giving up on trying to lie for everyone’s sake. I’m so tired of keeping it all in that I know that I’m gonna explode one day. So, I took a deep breathe, and said to him, “Whatever you do, just don’t get angry, okay?”

“I won’t make any promises, but I’ll do my best.” My dad cracked a grin at me, which lighten my mood.

“Okay, first, Gabe and I took a break..” That’s when I pretty poured out what happened since there was a lot on my mind. For days I’ve been staying here, I’ve been nothing but holding myself back for everyone’s sake, and keep bringing myself down. Saying all of my feelings out loud now makes me wonder. Why the hell do I do this to myself? When will I ever do something for ME? Not for Calum, or Lani, or anyone, but me. I’ll do me and not compare myself to someone who is completely different. Yeah, I may not be Lani but this is not her story, it’s mine.

“And that’s what happened for the last few days, dad.” I sighed, and I’m proud of myself of holding back the Lani and the guys part because I think they have no idea that I’m staying four other guys right now and if they did, my mom would probably drag me out before I could say Wait. I just pretty much poured out my feelings about Gabe and Triston, and leaved out Calum because that’s my problem that I have to deal with on my own.

My dad just looked at the ground, taking deep breathes, and closed his eyes. “Jenna,” he sighed, “You do realize that you’ve been wasting your time with Gabe and Triston right?”

I nodded, “I know.”

“And you comparing yourself to your cousin is unfair for both you and her, right?”

“Totally.” I agreed with him and he nodded, “So you know exactly what to do now, right? Because if not, then I’ll do something about it.”

“Dad,” I went up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, “You don’t have to do anything.”

“You know I’m gonna fire Triston, right?” My dad stood up abruptly, “Because what he did is unacceptable! Drinking and staying up late when he knew he was working the morning shift? And the fact he used my daughter for his selfish needs? I will NOT accept this.”

My dad started walking towards the door but I grabbed his arm, yelling, “Wait! Dad, you can’t fire him.”

“WHAT?!” My dad exclaimed as he turned around, “GIVE ME ONE HELL OF A REASON WHY NOT BECAUSE TRISTON IS A NO GOOD SON OF A-”

“DAD.” I groaned so he won’t finish that sentence, “He needs this job. Look, he messed up but he’s only human like all of us. He’s just screwed up because he doesn’t feel like he belongs. I understand where he’s coming from because sometimes, I feel like I don’t even fit in so I get lost. We all do, but yes, that doesn’t excuse what he did but firing him won’t do me any good. Make him work extra hours, or do something hard or something other then firing him because he really needs this job.”

I know me protecting him like this is crazy, but it's true. After getting to know Triston, I did grow a small heart for him. My dad firing him won't do me any good, so it's useless to me.

My dad just stared at me as if I was crazy but did a big sigh, “Fine.”

“Thank you dad.” I hugged him, “I promise that I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me or anything, he just messed up. That’s all.”

“What about Gabe?” My dad asked, “He lied to you.”

“Now that,” I let go of him, “I’ll take care of that. Not today, but I will.”

Then all of the sudden, my dad began to laugh a little, “What’s gotten into you, Jenna? Where did this sudden confidence come from?”

I shrugged, “Honestly, I have no idea. Just been dealing with a lot crap lately.”

“You know what that crap does to you?”

“Giving me insane headaches and confusion.”

We both started to laugh, and my dad started to pat my head, “That, and strength. You can handle so much till you crack and fight back.”

“So, you’re telling me I’m a fighter now?”

“Noo,” My dad kneeled down, and put both of his hands on my shoulders, “I’m saying that you’re changing, Nana. Look, I know you and you tend to go things other peoples way to make them happy. You listen to them, and don’t understand why they tell you what they do and what you should do, but do them anyway because it makes them happy or content. Right now, I can tell after what happened between you and those idiots out there, that it brought a whole new side to you that I feel like you’re gonna be someone different.”

“Is it good or bad?” I asked him, and he shrugged, “Change can be both, it just depends how you want to take it. Don’t be scared of change, Jenna.”

“But I’m scared, dad.” I whispered, “What happens if I get hurt again?”

“Well, the process is difficult, but the result is always worthwhile.”

I can’t help but to feel warmth on the inside. For the last few days, it has been nothing but confusion and bullshit. My dad is right about something, after last night, it definitely brought a whole new side to me.

After my talk with my dad, I walked out of his office, and Lani was sitting down at the booth, looking at her phone. When she saw me going to her, she asked, “How did it go?”

“Great,” I smiled, “Let’s get out of here. This place is giving me a bad vibe.”

As we walked out, Lani put her arm around my shoulder, “You know, Gabe and Triston is not really worth it, you know?”

“Worth what?”

“Your time. You can do so much better.”

“Really?” I asked her, “Do you really thinks so?”

“Duh,” Lani scoffed, “I mean, you’re too good for them. Gabe is a whiner while Triston is a douche. Trust me, there’s more guys out there.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I know. Just hope they can keep up with me.”

“Woah,” Lani whistled, “Where did this attitude come from?”

I started laughing and shrugged, “One night can really change you.”

“That must’ve been one hell of a night then.”

“You have no idea.”



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