My Other Half

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                              Senator Bonterri *flashback, 18 years ago*

    I walked into the Palace on Shili expecting to find my friends and meet their little girl that they just had only a month ago. As I enter the Palace I see nothing but gaurds everywhere I begin to worry. Where are Kaney and Shilia? I walk, more like jog over to a guard.

    "Senator? What are you doing here?" the head guard, Tainer, asks me.

    "Where are the King and Queen and what happened here? It looks like chaos." I say to the guard. He looks down at his feet with a glum expression. I wait and he looks up again.

    "The castle was raided last night, it looks like the work of some Bounty Hunters. We were able to save the Princess, but, when we went to check on the King and Queen, we were too late, I'm so sorry Senator." Tainer says. I gasp and almost fall to the floor as my body begins to shake. I manage to compose myself once again before asking.

    "Who has the Princess now?"  I ask.

    "Her Uncle, Sir Tearas, their in the nursery. I shall escort you there." I nodded and let Tainer lead the way. All I can think about is how why someone would want to do this to them. They were good people, they put their people above everything else. We reached the nursery and I walked in.

    "Ah, Senator, I knew you'd be coming here sometime soon." Sir Tearas says while turing around to face me, holding the Princess in his arms, he gently hands her to me. I smile down at her.

    "She has her father's eyes." I say as she slowly drifts off to sleep. I look back at SIr Tearas.

    "We found a note in the diaper changer, it's in the Queen's handwriting, she wanted you and your husband to look after her and raise her as your own and bring her back here when you feel it is the right time for her to rule her people. I shall be ruling Shili until you return with our Princess. Are you willing to do this? Because I'll understand if you don't feel up to it." Sir Tearas said. I smiled.

    "I have a son who is the same age as her, I'll be honored to look after her, until she is ready to rule her people." I said, smiling all the while.

    "I know she will be a great Queen someday." he said, smiling down at the Princess in my arms. We began our walk back down to the entrance, where my husband should be waiting. When we arrived all of the things that we will need for the Princess were already their, my husband standing there as well, holding our Lux in his arms. I turned to Sir Tearas.

    "What is her name? I never asked until now." I said.

    "Ahsoka, her name is Ahsoka." Sir Tearas said, smiling at the Princess for the last time until who knows when. I bid him and the rest of the King's Guard goodbye, Sir Tearas stopped me once again before I got on our ship.

    "One more thing, Senator." I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

    "She must have her other half before she comes back. It is vital to the Kingdom and for her to have her other half before she can fully care for our people." Sir Tearas said.

    "I understand." and with that said I got on the ship and we headed home.

    "Don't worry Princess Ahsoka, I'll take good care of you and Lux. You'll make you parents proud someday. I know you will." I said as I sat down by my husband on one of the couches that we have on this royal ship.

                                      Obi-Wan * 20 years ago*

    I made a promise to Master. I will train that boy, even if I have to defy the Counsel I will train that boy, once he is older I will come back and get him. He'll make an amazing Jedi and hopefully, his other half will also be another Jeid. I have to get back to Satine and tell her of this news and help run our people.


[ hey fans!! I just had a Star Wars movie marathon and I forgot how much I love this series <3, I keep thinking of all these stories and I haven't even finished 1 of my stories so far BUT!! I just wanted to write this down as a sneak peak, I am going to finish at least 1 of my books before I start this 1, I just didn't want to lose the idea so far so here's a little sample! I'm really going to try to finish TR'sS because I'm almost done with that 1 I have no idea though on how many more ch.s I'm going to do for that book though =/................well here's a taste of what's to come!! =) =)

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now