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Cat's POV:
I managed to wake up, but now I can't seem to stop thinking about what Kacey had said and how Joey has been treating her, when they last came to visit, I was in a coma but I was still able to hear and understand what they were saying. I'm worried that Joey would hate me for all this since I have lied to him this whole time about not being pregnant when I was. I feel like I have ruined his and Daniel's marriage already.

But however I want to see them, I want to see Joey and Kacey. Joey so that I can reason with him and try to save our friendship and Kacey so that she can tell what has been going on between her and her father. All I know is that Daniel has been taking care of Kacey ever since she went to stay with them. I want them to come soon so that we can talk about all this and sort it out.

Kacey's POV:
I'm so relieved that mum has woken up, it's a sign that she's going to make it. I really need to see her so badly there's so much I need to tell her. She's going to make it, I just know it.

Right now I'm writhing up a shot story in my note book. I have so many. The writing up now is called the 'Grimm Butcher, A Missing Child' I enjoy writing all these, although I keep having new story ideas and before you know it I'm writing more and more stories.

I hear the door creaking open, it was Maria Daniel's Mother, I forgot she was here.

Maria: Kacey, Daniel just wanted me to tell you come down stairs, he's taking you to see your mother.

Kacey: ok, I'll be down in a minute.

Maria: alright.
She said as she left.

I closed my note book and placed it under my pillow and put in my shoes and went down stairs to where Daniel and Joey were standing at the door. Joey looked like he a plan, I could see it in his eyes.

We git into the car and drove off to the hospital and checked in saying that we wanted to see Cat Valdes, and they took us to her room.

There I saw mum, wide awake and sitting up in bed, she seemed to of had something to eat as I saw a plate which was cleared completely, at least she has an appetite.

Kacey: mum!
I said as I ran up to her, giving her a hug.

Cat: how have you been? Has Daniel been taking care of you like he said when he was last time here.

Kacey: yes, but wait how did you know we were here last time?

Cat: I may have been in a coma but I was still able to hear and understand what you and Daniel were saying, I was listening to the whole conversation.

Joey just stood there looking like he couldn't lie her. As Daniel may have said how Joey has been treating me.

Cat: Joey.

Joey looked up and said:

Joey: Cat. How you feeling?

Cat: better. Um Daniel, Kacey can you give us a little privacy please.

Daniel: absolutely, we'll be outside.

Cat: thank you.

Mum has just told me and Daniel to leave the room while she talks to Joey, she's probably to to question him.

A Child I Never Knew About | #Janiel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now