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Kacey's POV:
Finally we finished planning Escape the Night, and I can finally rest. It felt good resting in peace and not having to hide upstairs from Joey, yeah I still call him Joey, I just haven't felt that comfortable calling him Dad or father, but I hope I get comfortable with it soon.

Other than that, I can't stop thinking about Rick, me and her literally over text just said "Love You" and after saying that I feel weird, I don't know how to feel, but part of me is telling that it feels right to be saying that.

Joey's POV:
I'm worried about Kasey. Cat has caused a lot of problems after calling those social workers, now because of that there are social workers calling me and asking each all kinds of questions and after I answer each one they keep going "hmm we'll see into that" like they think I'm lying when really I'm not. I hope I don't loose Kacey. I don't want my parental rights taken away.

Not only that, but also a social worker had the urge to come over and inspect my house! I know, ridiculous! This woman had a look around my house and even went in all the kitchen drawers and the bed room drawers, to kitchen cupboards and even the food storage cupboard! Like I would keep a blade or a whip or any kind of item that is harmful, hell no! She even opened up a box of cereal a started shaking it about looking for a blade or something hidden inside, when she did this I wanted to scream and tell, her to get the fuck out of my house.

Not only that she searched through my house, but also she started checking Kacey, she made her take off her top, to check for anything like bruises or sores, she even wiped a wet wipe along her back, thinking I put makeup on Kacey's back to hide signs of abuse. She even did it to Kacey's face and wiped a wet wipe along there and got nothing. I have never seen a social worker who is so picky and fussy, not only that but she's a total idiot!

Other than that, planning Escape The Night season 9 has been a success so far. The director liked the ideas and agreed with the YouTuber castings. I can't wait to tell, them that their going to be in Escape The Night Season 9. However me and the directer are still trying to look for an actor to play the villain plus actors for the lieutenants and also trying to find a good enough boat to film the show on. And so far we have decide on two boats that are both old looking but very grand and Georgian like on the inside, only one of them can be used for the show.

Knock! Knock!

Now what?! I bet it's that's idiot social worker. I looked through the peep hole and it was her. I opened the door and let her in, she said:

Social worker: Hello Mr Graceffa, I came over so we can talk about the situation and I'll also need Kacey to be here as well.

Joey: why? so you can go inspecting her like some mad person?

Social worker: no, no. Inspections are done, we just need to talk and I also want to talk Kacey as well.

Joey: fine, come in. Kacey! Please come down, the social worker is here!

Kacey comes down wearing a burgundy hoodie and jogging pants, they were loose and baggy on her. But the social worker being a complete idiot was staring at Kacey.

Social worker: Kacey, you look quite thin. Tell, me when did you last eat?
Is she for real?! Oh great! Now she's getting the idea that I starve Kasey or something.

Kacey: about and hour ago.

Social worker: what did you have?

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