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Daniel's POV:
Joey left, knowing that I'll be able to get an answer from Kacey. She sat there looking at me saying:

Kacey: everything is ok.

Daniel: you sure? Did something happen today?

Kacey: uuuhhh....

Daniel: Kacey, just tell me.

Kacey: fine, my history teacher pissed me off.

Daniel: what? Why?

Kacey: because, I didn't complete the last question, he even threatened to tell my mum that I'm doing bad in school. He hates me and always picks on me.

Daniel: how often does this happen?

Kacey: almost every week. He even said today, that if we don't listen to him and focus, we will get a fail in history and get F's. I can't get an F in history, I must get A's in as much subjects as possible to look good for Joey.

Daniel: Kacey, just do your best. Ok. Don't listen to what your teacher says about about getting F's, because it's not true. He's a teacher, teachers say stuff like that, because they tend to  get fed up with the class.

Kacey: ok.

Daniel: and don't worry about what Joey thinks, all you can do is tell him that your doing your best.

Kacey: ok, thanks Step Dad.

Daniel: it's ok. I'll try and calm down Joey, as he seems to be a bit worked up.

I left Kacey's room and went downstairs and talked to Joey who was getting a drink, he poured a little wine in glass and drank some, then sees me saying:

Joey: So? Did she say why she was moody?

Daniel: yes, actually she was a little stressed because her history teacher, isn't nice and picks on her sometimes, and even tell their class that if they don't listen to them, they will fail and get F's throughout their work. Like what kind of teacher says that?

Joey: oh, is that it? I though it was something major.
Joey said taking a another drink of his wine. He then looked at me with his wine and said:

Joey: want some wine? It's really tasty, it's like the best red wine I've ever had.

Daniel: sure, I'll get a glass.
I said getting a wine glass, as Joey filled it up. We went over to the couch, joey took the wine bottle with him and placed it on the coffee table in front of us. He rests his head on my lap as he stretched out his legs across the couch. We watched a romance movie, and relaxed. We kept drinking the wine till the bottle was almost empty. But we weren't yet drunk.

Joey: now what should we do?

Daniel: um well we could watch another movie.....

Joey: or.........

Daniel: or we could do something else. 😏

Joey: Daniel, not when Kacey's here.

Daniel: I know but now you got me thinking about it, I just can wait any longer.

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