S-E-V-E-N-T-Y: Broken Hearts, Healed Souls. Part 1

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Daniel's POV:
It's been months since Kacey had left us. Joey has called her and texted her but she hasn't been responding. It was breaking Joey's heart. What has been going on with her lately.

Suddenly the phone rings and Joey rushes over to answer it, putting it on speaker knowing I wanted to hear this.

On the Phone:

K: hello, Joey it's me Kacey.

J: oh my god Kacey! You finally answered, I've been trying to get hold of you for nearly three months.

K: I've come to call you, to tell you to stop harassing me and Mum. Goodbye Joey.

D: Kacey wait! Sweetie, we're very concerned about you. We at least want to know if your alright, nothing harmful.

K: I'm fine, gotta go mums coming back. She can't know I've been talking to you lot.

Hangs up.

End of call.

Joey shoved the phone back in its socket. He began getting upset, he started crying.

Joey: why is she doing this to me?

Daniel: well to be honest, you did yell at her and treat her like dirt for most the time in the past two years.

Joey: I know I did and I regret it. We made up, things are different now.

The next day......

Joey's POV:
Kacey still didn't answer my texts, she had me worried, ever since she left us, she stopped bothering with me. I get she's angry and upset about how I used to treat her but wouldn't she have moved on by then?

Beep! Beep!

I instantly grab my phone and see a call from Cat? Huh, interesting since she hasn't talked to me in a long time.

Joey's Phone:

J: hello, Cat?

C: yes Joey it's me.

J: you called, we haven't talked in ages.

C: I know and I came to call you that, I want you to stop harassing Kacey. She's not gonna respond to your texts or calls. She's moved on and so have I.

J: what the fuck? Cat, what an earth did you do?

C: I had her promise that she won't see you again.

J: why?

C: because if the vile way you treated her! Goodbye Joey.

End of call.

I out down the phone, feeling my heart break in two. Woah, never had that kind of feeling before. I felt empty, depressed. I really screwed up being a parent didn't I? All I had to do was accept her, why did I do that to Kacey? Why did I treat her like dirt? So many questions unanswered.

Joey: Daniel, could you try and see if you can get hold of Kacey? Perhaps she might respond to you.

Daniel: um well I could try, hold on a sec.

Daniel got out his phone and began to call Kacey.

Kacey's POV:
My phone was buzzing like crazy, I looked over and saw it was Daniel trying to call me. I looked around and picked up the phone.

Kacey's Phone:

K: hello?

D: oh Kacey, thank god you picked up!

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