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Daniel's POV:
Seeing Joey just looking at his phone in silence and not paying that much attention to Kacey. Can't he see that Kacey is very weak and has a small chance of getting through all this? He just stands there, leaning against the wall on his phone.

I should say something.

Daniel: um Joey.

Joey: yes Daniel.

Daniel: why did you do that to Kacey? Why did you leave her bleeding when knowing she was in pain? Why would you do that to your own child?

He turned his head, making full eye contact. Slowly he began getting the words out his mouth.

Joey: I-i don't know.....I guess I was angry at what happened.

Daniel: I can understand why you would be angry at her, but you don't leave her bleeding and in pain, you should have at least called for help.

Joey: I wasn't thinking....i had a lot on my plate.
He said putting his hand on the back of his neck.

Daniel: have you made a decision yet, you know on us?

He started scratching the back of his head, then looked down then back at me saying:

Joey: yes, I have.

Daniel: and what decision have you made?

Joey: I think we should give our marriage another chance.

Daniel: I think the same because I still love you and I want this to work.

Joey: so do I.

From there, we hugged and went over to Kacey's bed, where we saw Cat asleep in the chair. Soon a nurse comes in and tells us to leave, saying that they will updates on Kacey's condition. Before going Cat kissed Kacey's cheek and left still looking mad at Joey. Before leaving, Joey looked over her then pulled up the covers bit, he gasped a little as he noticed Kacey was bleeding. I saw it too, it was a big patch of blood.

We rang the bell, which made doctors come in and see the patch of blood on the bed.

Doctor: she's bleeding, we need to get her into theatre now.

They wheeled her away and out of the room. This had us all worried for her even more now. We were told to leave. We drove home in complete silence. As soon as we got through the doors, Joey went straight upstairs.

I closed the door and followed. He was getting changed in his pjs and settled into bed. I went back down stairs to see if the dogs were alright. They had food and seemed sleepy, I went back to see Joey on his phone in bed. I get changed and join him in bed.

He instantly plugs in his phone, turned round in the bed to face me. As as soon I settle down, he instantly puts his head on my chest, I put my arms round him.

Joey: I really don't want to screw this up again.

Daniel: I know.

Joey: is something wrong?

Daniel: it's Kacey, she bled again so much. I'm worried about her not making it.

He remained silent. He rubbed my arm and said:

Joey: it's my fault. I should have listened to her.

So now he admits it's his fault. Finally he's taking responsibility for Kacey for once. There was silence between us. He leaned over, pressing his lips on mine, I kissed him back, this I allowed.

He wouldn't stop, his lips were still on mine. I pulled off but he latched his lips to my neck, I didn't want to do this now, not in the mood. A lot has happened. I moaned a little but really didn't want it.

Daniel: no
I said quietly, but Joey didn't listen. I lay there paralysed by tiredness, he left my neck. He went down into the covers, I felt him pull down my pants, it's like I couldn't do much. I feel like if I fight, he'll think I don't love him and I do love him.

I felt his cold hand on my member, he pumped it. I hid my cry in the pillow, I really didn't want this. I felt him lick it, I stuffed my face into the pillow to hide my cries. He emerged from the covers, he pulled off my shirt, he latched his mouth to my nipple, he sucked it and bit down on it, flicking it with his tongue.

Daniel: Joey, no.
I said quietly, this got his attention. He lifted his mouth from my nipple.

Joey: but we haven't done this in so long.
He said as he continued, with the other one till he got tired of his own actions. He disappeared back into the covers again, I felt him spread my legs apart.

I felt him push himself into me, he emerged from the covers putting his hands on either side of me, he continued pushing into me, it hurt a lot but I really didn't want this. I hid my face into the pillow so he wouldn't see my cries.

Joey being so horny, was too horny to realise or notice that I didn't want to have sex. His thrusts grew harder, and harder. I nearly screamed because it was so much, so much I didn't want. He forced all this, but I still loved him.

He continued to thrust into me till he came. He pulled out, and laid back next to me, he was a bit sweaty. I just laid there, paralysed by shock and tiredness. I can't believe this happened.

Joey: now that wasn't that bad, was it not?

I didn't say anything but looked at him with no emotions, he did nothing but forced a kiss on my lips. From there he went to sleep. I felt too upset, to sleep so I quietly went downstairs without Joey knowing, I pulled up my pants and went down stairs.

The dogs were asleep, I sat down on the couch with my hands on my head. A lot was going on in my mind, Kacey on the brink of probably dying, Joey not being nice to her and him forcing sex on me. I didn't know how or what to do now.

Maybe we need counselling. Or he needs to change. Cat however has been different, she's suddenly calmer and more emotional maybe she got help. Or she is seeing her child on the brink of probably dying.

What would happen if Kacey died? Would Joey and Cat be the same? Would I be the same? What would happen to her friend Rick?

All that has to happen is for Kacey to wake up. If she wakes up, everything will be alright.

Suddenly I hear footsteps, I looked seeing a shadow of an unusual figure. I walked a little closer and it was.......

Author's Note:
Oh I just love a good cliffhanger, don't you? Don't worry there will be more soon.

Bye! :)

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