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Joey's POV:
I felt so broken. First Daniel leaving me, second my career almost being over. The hate just kept coming, this was Kacey's doing. She's gone too far. Pretty much exposed herself and what goes on behind closed doors.

We had a fight, she's was trying to stop me from shaving my head, thinking it was going to be a bad idea. I pushed her away, she hit the wall and remained there. It's like she couldn't move.

I didn't bother about her at that point. I looked at the clippers in my hand which were still on, I looked at myself and then at my phone I saw more and more hate comments saying still like;

"Ur ugly! Just shave ur head and get a tattoo that says ugly and fake, coz that's the real u! #joeygraceffaisover"

"Go away, get hell off the Internet! Ur an asshole! #joeygraceffaisover"

"Why don't u just shave ur head, since u don't deserve to have hair for what u have done. #joeygraceffaisover"

It just kept going and going like a continuous tape. I looked at the clippers again and then at Kacey, who couldn't move.

Kacey: don't do it.

I held the clippers up high to my head running it down one side seeing hair fall to the floor hearing a crunching sound of it cutting off my hair. At this point I felt nothing. I looked at Kacey who had a look of shock on her face.

Kacey: oh my god! I told you not to!

Joey: it's too late I already did it! Just leave me alone!

Kacey: I would but I can't move.

Joey: what do you mean you can't move?!

Kacey: when you pushed me, I hit the pointing corner of the wall. My back hit it and now I can't move. It hurts.

This I got fed up with. I pulled her off the floor, dragging her to the door and pulling her into the hallway. I left her leaned against the wall and stormed back into the bathroom. I continued taking the clippers back to my head, running it across the middle till the top was gone, I continued with the sides, till I had no hair left. Looking down I see my hair on the floor. I gather it up and put it in the bin.

I turned off the clippers, putting them back in the drawer. I looked at myself in the mirror with hair I no longer had, ran my hand over my head and felt my head, I was feeling different at this point. I left and went out the bathroom, seeing Kacey still leaned against the wall on the floor.

Kacey: oh my god! Joey no.

Joey: I did it and I don't care.

Kacey: I still can't believe this! Joey Graceffa shaved his head.

Joey: I don't care what you say. Now go to your room!

Kacey: I can't! Because I can't move!
She cried

Kacey's POV:
I really wished Daniel was here, I'm scared. I don't like this Joey. He scares me, but scares me even more with no hair. He looked scary bald.

Joey: I said go to your room.

Kacey: I can't move, my back hurts and I can't get up.

He didn't listen. He pulled to my feet, yanked me over his shoulder. He threw me onto my bed.

Joey: now why are you saying you can't move? Huh, huh?

Kacey: my back hurts. It really hurts. I can't move.

He left and came back with some deep heat, he rolled me over on my stomach. Pulling up my top.

Joey: maybe this get your to move.
He said squirting some in my back, I felt a string as it went. It must be a wound, I thought. I felt his bony finger press on my bone, it hurt so much. It made me jerk a little.

Kacey: your hurting me. Owww!!!

Joey: see you can move.
He said taking the tube of deep heat with him as he got up. Deep heat clearly didn't help, it just made it more painful.

Daniel's POV:
I was very concerned about Kacey. I should back and see if she's ok. After seeing the tweet she posted, I saw Joey's account receiving a lot of hate. This had me concerned for both of them.

I went to my car and drove to the house. As soon I entered found, Joey sitting in the living room, with his hands on his head. I looked carefully and noticed, OH MY GOD! His hair is gone! He shaved his head, I was shook.

Daniel: Joey?! What have you done?

He sees I'm here and jumps from, his seat and approached me.

Joey: what does it look like, I shaved my hair.

Daniel: why?! You had such perfect hair.

Joey: I felt like it. Here touch it.

He grabbed my hand, and ran it over his head. It felt so weird but stubbly. In a way he looked horrifying, it doesn't look good. But he was still my husband and I still loved him.

I looked around the house, wondering where Kacey is.

Daniel: where's Kacey?

Joey: in her room, she's been very naughty.

I rushed upstairs to her room, only to find Kacey lying her bed. I looked, and saw blood in the bed covers. I could kill him for this.

Daniel: Kacey, oh my god Kacey!

Kacey: Daniel? Oh my god Daniel!

Daniel: what happened to you?

Kacey: I tried to stop Joey from shaving his head. He pushed me, making me hit a corner which was sticking out on the bathroom wall. My back hit it and from there I couldn't move. But Joey didn't care. He left me here to bleed.

Daniel: I could kill him for this! I should have never left you with him.

I looked at her back, it was red, swollen and had a wound, which almost revealed a bone.

Kacey: it hurts to move.

Daniel: I'll deal with Joey later, but now I'm taking you to the hospital.
I picked her up, carrying her in my arms down the stairs, Joey remained silent. I put her in the back of my car and sped away to the hospital. As soon as I got there, Kacey passed out. And I saw her top was soaked with blood.

Author's Note:
Well that was deep.... and a lot happened I'll tell you what. But I'll be updating soon. Do you think the relationship between Joey and Kacey will get better or not?

Bye! :)

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