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Kacey's POV:
I can't believe what happened, I can't believe I touched my step dad's cum! How can I be so stupid. I'm so angry and disgusted by it all, I stormed into my room. Going into the bathroom washing the cum off of my hand, scrubbing my hand till the smell was gone.

I go to the dressing table and get out my note book, and write about me and Rick, something that Joey will never know about even though he's my father, he doesn't deserve to know.

'In Kacey's Note nook'
Here's it goes, I'm going to say. I love Rick as a friend. She kissed me a few times and I liked it. I don't know why. But Joey doesn't. When Rick proper made out with me, I just let her.

Why? Because she's my friend and I love her, as a friend. She does it many times and I'm not complaining. I don't even care what Joey thinks, why? Because it's my business, not his.

When Rick made out with me, I like it so much that when her tongue brushed on my lip, I let her in. Why? Because I love her as my friend and want what's best for her.

I think I'll make sure I get drunk at 18 and have sex with a hot gay dude, get pregnant and hide the kid from him, not telling him it's his. I know I'll be ruining my reputation, but I don't care. Not anymore.

Joey will never know.

'End of notes'

I felt good about writing that, felt like I blew off some steam. But I needed more. I drew a picture of me and Rick at the bottom, it was us kissing like we did on the couch. Then another one of us hugging, then another one of the first kiss. Joeys gonna flip. He will never see this.

I suddenly hear the door opening, it was Joey. I quickly close my note book and put it on the desk with my pens and pencils on top.

Joey's POV:
I went go and see if Kacey is alright. I went to her room, seeing her sitting on the bed looking into space like she's been up to something.

Joey: Kacey, I've come here to see if your alright.

Kacey: yeah, I'm fine.

Joey: are you sure because you don't look fine.

Kacey: trust me, I am fine.

Kacey's POV:

Joey: ok, but anyways I'm sorry you had to see that stuff. Oh what's this?
He said reaching over for my note book. No! He can't see what I wrote and drew in there! Act fast!

Kacey: that's my diary and it's secret.

Joey: wouldn't hurt if I took a peak.
He said opening it, and looked inside.

Kacey: no!

Joey's POV:
Kacey for some reason, didn't want me opening her diary, but anyways it's too late. When I opened it and flicked few a couple of pages, it was all ok. It's not until I flick through the middle and see something she wrote. It was a lot and had me very concerned and mad at her.

I read through the whole thing and found out that she and Rick had a lot of sexual moments, Kacey wrote that she was ok with it. How can she be ok with it, when she's only 11?! She's underage, she shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff and shouldn't be writing it either!

Joey: Kacey Abby Valdez Graceffa!!! I can't believe you!

Kacey: I can explain!

Joey: you had kissed Rick, more than once!!! Your too young for all this!!! And you let her do it whenever she wants, Kacey you were raised better than this!

Kacey: it's not my fault that I liked it!

Joey: this is why I'm keeping you out of stuff like this! You plan on wanting to ruin your reputation by sleeping with a gay man whilst being drunk, have sex, get pregnant hiding the kid from him!!! Your disgusting!!! I can't even look at you right now!!! Oh by the way, say goodbye to Rick because I'm moving you to another school!

Kacey's POV:
I can't be, as eve he my notebook and the stuff in it. He reacted so badly to it. He even wants to put me in another school, to keep me away from Rick. She's my best friend, I don't want to loose her.

Kacey: Joey, no! You can't do that!!!

Big mistake, a hand slapped my face on one cheek. My cheek was burning afterwards, it was even harder than before. It hurt a lot. It wasn't over yet, he picked me up and pulled me over his leg, he spanked me about three times. Saying;

Joey: disgusting little girl!! Can't even look at you!

He lets go of me, making me fall to the floor. Taking my note book with him. Before he went, he said this;

Joey: disgusting, can't believe your my child.

He left the room, hearing him go downstairs.

Daniel's POV:
I heard a lot of shouting in the other room, went I came out the bedroom I saw Joey looking very mad and disgusted, holding a book in his hand.

Daniel: Joey, what happened in there?

Joey: Kacey, being disgusting. Can't believe her. Here see for yourself.
He said giving me the book, as he went down stairs. I had a look at the book and saw inside and at the middle I saw what she wrote and why Joey went mad. I read it and found it very sweet and similar to what I wrote when I was her age.

I'm not gonna lie, but some bits were quite extreme and sexual. But it's normal for kids to do these kinds of things. I close the book and go to see Kacey.

Daniel: Kacey, it's me your step dad. Can I come in?

There was no sound, so I walked in. I saw Kacey on her bed, lying on her stomach. Her face stained with tears, so I guess it's a lot that happened.

Daniel: oh Kacey! What happened?
She gets up, and looks at me with a mark on her face. Joey has hit her, I can't believe him.

Kacey: Joey didn't like what he saw.
She said in a low tone.

Daniel: I saw it.

Kacey: and I guess you think I'm disgusting.

Daniel: you are not disgusting. I think what your wrote was sweet.

Kacey: really?

Daniel: Yes. It's ok, look when I was your age I wrote stuff like that too and when my mum saw it, she just laughed it off saying it's normal for children to write stuff like that, it's a part of growing up.

Kacey: you really think so?

Daniel: yes, Come here.

I pulled her into a hug, she cried into my shoulder, she felt very warm. I stroked the back of her head, comforting her. Telling her everything is going to be ok.

Daniel: I'm going to talk to Joey now, will you be ok?

She nodded. And with that I left the room and went downstairs. Joey was banging his fists on the table, he was mad about everything.

Daniel: Joey, I talked to Kacey.

Joey: And?! What she say? Did she admit that she's disgusting?

Daniel: no and you need to calm down. Look I had a talk to Kacey and she's literally in tears. She can't help that she loves Rick as a friend. These things happen. It's part of growing up, I did the same as her when I was her age.

Joey: I'm pissed! I didn't want all this happening to her so quickly, I was shocked and overwhelmed.

Daniel: look if it makes you feel better, the last part she made up. She wrote it because she was angry. Kacey told me that she has no intention on ruining her reputation by having sex and getting pregnant at 18.

Joey: then why would she write that stuff if it wasn't true?!

Daniel: Like I said, she was angry. I reassure you that Kacey is not going to make the same mistake, you did.

Joey: I still can't believe her.

Daniel: look, Kacey said you hit her. And the social workers come tomorrow, if the mark is still there, they'll question her and you. You could loose her.

Joey: I don't know what do.

Daniel: go apologise.

Author's Note:
Ooh I just love a good cliff hanger, don't you. But anyways I'll update soon with more.

Bye! :)

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