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A day later......

Kacey's POV:
Today, I can finally get out of this crusty hospital. But looking at my arms that were bandaged, I knew there were gonna be scars. That's what concerns me. The nurse comes in and tells that I have to leave the hospital in an hour. Joey helped me out of bed and a nurse came in with my clothes in a plastic bag.

Joey: I'll be outside, ok?

Kacey: ok

He left the room, as I got changed out of this hospital gown into some normal clothes. Once I was done putting on my top, I looked again at my bandaged wrists, I'm the cause of this, I know there's no turning back from it. I pulled the sleeves of my top down, covering my arms.

Then I go outside to where Joey was waiting.

Kacey: I'm ready to go.

Joey: ok. Let's go, Daniel's in the car waiting outside.

We walked to the car in silence. Something was up with Joey, I could tell because he didn't talk a lot. As soon as we were home, Joey didn't want to be around any body so bad that he went up to his office and shut the door.

Kacey: is something wrong with Joey?
I asked Daniel. Who was putting up his coat.

Daniel: I guess I should tell you.

Kacey: tell me what?

Daniel: Joey's upset. Why? Well because when you thanked me at the hospital, and called me 'Dad', it sort of upset Joey.

Kacey: oh, I didn't realise. Didn't think it was that big of a deal.

Daniel: it's not only that, but he's afraid your gonna tell the social workers the truth.

Kacey: he knows I wouldn't. I mean, I have no body else. I don't even know any of his side of the family, only my mothers.

Daniel: well Kacey, I think you should maybe talk to him. I've done it so many times, but this time, you need to do it.

Kacey: but Joey doesn't want anybody around him. He literally went to his office and shut the door.

Daniel: then go up there, open the door and talk to him. Simples.

Kacey: fine.
I said as I went upstairs, and to the office. I stood outside the door, not knowing if it's a good time to be going in. I put my hand on the door knob, slowly and slowly opened the door and there I saw Joey at his desk with his hands on his head. He notices I'm here and in his space. He looks up at me, and says;

Joey: Kacey, what you're doing in here?

Kacey: I want to talk to you

Joey: about what?

Kacey: about why your so upset, at the fact that You think I'm going to tell the social worker the truth. Like joey, I wouldn't tell them, knowing that I could get taken away from here or you ending up in prison.

Joey: well I am, because the day before when we had a fight, and you were in the hospital and the social worker called saying that we weren't there, and when I told her you at the hospital, she acted as if I was making it up to protect my self. When really I was telling the truth.

Kacey: well she is an idiot. But I was told by Daniel that, I called him "Dad" and that made you upset.

Joey: it kind of did, because he may be a second dad to you but I'm your actual dad. Like your biological Dad, who knocked up your mother. And had you.

Kacey: so by any chance, when knocking up my mother were you two by any chance in a relationship?

Joey: how did you know about that?

Kacey: I may have been unconscious, but I could still hear and I heard everything.

Joey: ok fine, me and your mother used to date a long time ago. And this was before I turned out gay. But anyways, she asked me out and I was like; "Ok, how about Friday?" And she was like; "Friday it is" and from there we went on more dates and turned into a relationship, but it only lasted about three months and I broke up with her because I realised I was gay and was falling for a man. So at first she was pretty pissed off but after a while she accepted me and we became friends.

Kacey: oh, well I guess that makes sense to the picture. Oops!

Joey: have you been looking through my stuff?

Kacey: um...fine. I have and I found a picture of you and Mum on New Year's Eve. You both had it going on.

Joey: that was taken when we were together. I broke up with her and few weeks after New Years. And to be honest, my sister took it without us being aware of it. And when she showed the pictures, I was pissed at her for taking it when not wanting a picture taken. So I took away the picture of me and Cat.

Kacey: I guess that solves the mystery of the picture. Are you still upset?

Joey: um no. But just so you know, you stay at the same school with Rick.

Kacey: really? So I don't have to move schools?

Joey: yeah.

Kacey: feels good, knowing that.

Joey: I'm sure it does.
He said in a low tone. He's still upset.

Kacey: thanks Dad. Oh I just said it.

Joey got off of his desk, and hugs me stroking the back of my head as doing so.

This went well.

Author's Note:
Well that went well. And guess what, there will be more of where that came from. I'll update as soon as I can.

Bye. :)

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