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In the unreal world.....
Kacey's POV:

I kept on running till I was out breath, I kept running till my legs were tired, I kept running till I heard:

???: Stop!!! Freeze!!!!

I was so close, as I saw the bar just three metres away. Should I keep going or stop? I decided to keep going and that was when I heard:

???: don't make me shoot, oh you know what! Get them!!!!!

I ran at full speed, and reached the bar doors, slamming them shut behind me, sealing the door with a plank of wood. That should hold it hopefully. I had a look around, remembering the voice said, the feather of the angel wing is somewhere in a third of the bar, so I'm guessing in the bartending area, in third of that.

I looked around quickly, I don't want to be seen by the group. It's bad enough that one member has seen me and that Mortimer, what if he tells the group about me?

'The angel tears are in the third of the place your in.'

Voice in my head says. I looked around, dividing the bar area into three parts, searching in the third. There was so much vodka in the bar, people here must really like vodka. I bet that's why so many people died at thirty here. Although vodka is pretty flammable, smash a bunch of these and light it, you got yourself a fire. You could literally burn down the whole bar, possibly the whole building.

Anyways back to searching for the third artefact, I looked through so many bottles, about to give up hope, I notice something odd about one bottle, it wasn't entirely clear like the others, I picked it up and examined it carefully.

I noticed there was something inside it, I looked closer and it was the angel feather! Inside the bottle of vodka the whole time, I opened the bottle carefully sticking my fingers inside taking the feather out. I dried it off and placed it in my pouch with the other two artefacts.

'Welldone, you have succeeded in retrieving the three artefacts. Now you can restore your father's goodness. You have to bind goodness into him.'

Kacey: how do I do that?

'You must go to the centre of the town, placing the artefacts you have gathered in a triangle, about five metres apart. Use the vodka as a string.'

Kacey: wouldn't that set the ground on fire and burn Joey to death.

'Well you do have to light it so it will make a triangle of fire, but it won't set Joey on fire. Besides the fire will only last a few seconds.'

Kacey: alright, but how do I get Joey in the triangle?

'That you will have to lure him into, now prepare for the ritual.'

The voice left, I left out the back entrance rushing to the centre of the town. Remembering what to do, I placed each artefact five metres apart for each other in a triangle, then poured the vodka, connecting the artefacts to each other. I have done what I could, now I have to get Joey to go in the triangle. As as he's in I'll light it.

In the real world....

Daniel's POV:
I didn't know what was going on. It's like one minute we're normal and the next we're crazy, but the one who's mostly crazy is Joey. I told Cat to leave, but she didn't. Her eye looked emotionless, as she approached me.

Daniel: Cat I told you to leave!

Cat: I want My DAUGHTER BACK!!!!! Where is she?! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!

Daniel: Oh my god you too?! What has gotten into you!?


She picked up a knife and tried to stab me, but missed. I grabbed her wrist trying to disarm her, she was crazy, holding a knife at me like a soulless killer. After so many struggles, I kicked her in the stomach, making her drop the knife hold her stomach.

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