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Daniel's POV:
Boy it felt so good! But it had to come to an end. We looked around the room and saw that Kacey, Maria and the dogs are gone. Well I don't blame them, I mean who would want to hang around down stairs and watch me and Joey's porn in 3D, no one would.

We put on our clothes and went to look for them, Joey looked downstairs as I looked upstairs and saw my mum in the guest room packing her suitcase, I forgot she was leaving tomorrow.

Joey's POV:
I looked downstairs for Kacey but couldn't find her, till I looked outside, I found her sitting on the grass with her back turned, I also found the dogs out there with her, she was petting them. At least the dogs like her, they probably think she's me since we look so much alike, poor girl I can't see any man wanting to go out with her when she's older, I know it sounds mean but she has a slight masculine look in her face, I think it's the eyebrows or something.

Joey: Kacey, don't worry me and Daniel are done doing it.

She turned round and was glad to see me as it was getting dark. She clearly wanted to go inside.

Kacey: great, I'm hungry.

Joey: me too, let's go inside it's already getting dark and Chinese food should be here.

We went inside and Kacey, straight away started watching youtube I looked over her shoulder and saw she was watching Colleen Ballinger and Tyler Oakley, she seems to like those two a lot, as she watches them a lot on YouTube.

The Daniel and Maria come down, seeing that Kacey had been found and that the dogs are alright made Daniel feel relieved. Soon the food came as Daniel answered the door and paid the guy and took the food inside, we ate till I said:

Joey: I've been thinking, since we're trying to protect Kacey from the fans and other YouTubers and how hard it is since we look so much alike, I was thinking about saving up some money, so that when she's sixteen, she can have a few alters done to her face, to make her look different and maybe more feminine, it will be much easier than hide her that way.

They all looked at me like I was crazy or something, Kacey looked quite upset.

Daniel: what?! Joey, are you mad! That will just ruin her face, she doesn't need plastic surgery, to make it easier to hide her. She's perfect just the way she is.

Kacey: what wrong with my face?! And are you implying that I looked like a boy or something?

Joey: well I just thought it would be something you want, since I see you looking In the mirror and pulling parts of your face looking disgusted by it.

Kacey: that was when we weren't talking, I was at the time disgusted by looking like the man who hated me but that's the past, it now I'm ok with my face.
Kacey almost cried.

Maria: can't you see she's getting upset, you shouldn't have said that Joey.

Daniel: Joey, I think your going a little too far with hiding Kacey, she doesn't need to have plastic surgery to hide her.

Joey: ok, ok it was just an idea.

Kacey: didn't seem like a very nice idea.

Joey: ok fine, I'm sorry.

Kacey: fine it's ok.

Daniel: good, don't say things like that again Joey.

Joey: ok fine.

From there we carried on eating, Kacey was still upset by what I had said. I made a big mistake in saying those things. What was I thinking? But anyway she finished her food and went to sit on the couch, continuing watching YouTube. Soon we all finished eating as Daniel washed and put away the plates, as I took the bin bag outside to my surprise outside Shane he had a tablet in his hand and a look of anger on his face, now what.

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