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At Cat's House........

Cat's POV:
I sat there at my table. Angry. A social worker was here and told me, there was a chance I could lose Kacey if I don't stop drinking. They even called me an alcoholic, which is clearly not true!

I'm just so angry, if it wasn't for the car crash and me ending up telling Joey about Kacey, then none of this would have happened. But after all I want my daughter back, I am her mother, she belongs with me.

If the social workers won't help get her back, then I will have to myself.

At Joey and Daniel's........

Daniel's POV:
I hardly slept at all last night. It was 8:am, so I decided to just get up and go to hospital to see Joey and Kacey. I washed my face and got dressed into black skinny jeans with tatters at the knees, along with a grey v-neck shirt finished with black sneakers.

I was about to leave, but then I heard banging at the door.

???: Joey! Is that you?! Let me the fuck in!!!! Joey!

I went and opened to door and boy I wasn't surprised, it was Cat and she was clearly angry.

Daniel: Cat?! What are you doing here?

Cat: looking for Joey!

Daniel: well he's not here!

Cat: where is he and where's Kacey?!

Daniel: not telling and your not having her back!

Cat: I am her mother! She belongs with me, now for the love of god!!! Tell me where she is!

Daniel: no!! And you call your self a mother, when really you are an unfit mother!!

Cat: how dare you, call me that! I am a fit mother!

Daniel: no your not! And if you were a fit mother, you wouldn't be drinking like mad after a break up with one of your boyfriends!

Suddenly she grabs me by the front of my shirt and pins me to wall, her breath stunk of alcohol.

Cat: I'm going to ask you again Daniel!!!!! I want to know where they are and I want to now!!!!!
She yelled in my face. I felt defeated, at this point. She pulled out a knife from her pocket and held it to my neck.

Daniel: Cat no!

Cat: then tell me where they are or Joey comes home and sees you dead!
She pressed the blade against my skin, making me spit it out.

Daniel: fine! They're at the hospital, Kacey got herself hurt and went to hospital!

She instantly lets me go, putting the knife away. I felt guilty about giving away their location but I didn't have much of a choice.

Cat: I'm going, and you better not follow!

She yelled as she stormed out and into her car, speeding off to the hospital. I don't trust her, so I followed.

Cat's POV:
I drove like some manic, off to the hospital at full speed. As soon as I got there, I burst through the doors, and to the receptionist.

Receptionist: I'm the receptionist, how can I help you?

Cat: where is Kacey Valdez Graceffa?!

Receptionist: she's here.

Cat: well if she's here, then tell me where her room is woman!

Receptionist: her room is 025, down the hall, on the left.

I rushed to her room, and went in seeing Kacey completely unconscious and Joey sitting on a bed, with his head between his knees. I went in quietly putting my hand on his head.

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