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Kacey's POV:
I knew where I was going and that was to Joey's husband, aka my step dad. I've had enough being around Joey, he treats me like shit and I miss Daniel. I got dressed into a dark teal blue hoodie, with black skinny jeans and grey vans.

As soon as I got outside, I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket. Which was address to the place Daniel was staying in. I made my way there, it was about 15 minutes away, as soon as I got there I made my way upstairs to the apartment.

Daniel's POV:
It's been about a day since I left, ever since I've been concerned about what Joey could be doing with Kacey, knowing how he treats her it has me worried for her and I also hope joey has made a decision about our marriage because in my decision, we should stay together and go to counselling to sort it out.

Not only that but, Cat has been texting me. Wanting Kacey back and I tried to tell her that she can't have her back, until she gets help. But she won't, that's the problem. After a long FaceTime meeting with a model. I hear a ring on the door bell, I got to answer it and to my surprise it was Kacey.

Daniel: Kacey, what are you doing here?

Kacey: came to see you. You gave me the address to where you were staying.

Daniel: I did. Well come in.

I invite her in. We stay down and talked, what got my attention is what Kacey said about the other day, when I left.

Kacey: other day a few hours after you left, Joey had some friends over for game night. They were Laura, Nikita and Manny. Joey being so lazy and treating me like dirt, made me do everything, I had to make the food. It was a lot. He even made me clean his car and walk the dogs.

Daniel: what? So he's pretty much been treating you like a servant, if I'm correct.

Kacey: yes, pretty much. And not only that but his friends saw me and Joey explained what happened. They understood.

Daniel: Joey exposed you to his friends?!

Kacey: yeah, and his friend Laura was pissing me off.

Daniel: why?

Kacey: she said some very bad things about me looking like Joey and Joey being Joey, agreed with her.

Daniel: I could kill him for this. But it makes sense why he and Laura get on so well. I bet you anything, if Joey wasn't gay he and Laura would make quite a good couple.

Kacey: I bet he would.

Daniel: but anyways, what else happened?

Kacey: when it got to dinner time, Joey came up to my room and made me serve all the food. But little did he know, in the rice I put a whole tin of cayenne pepper, so when he took a bite, it was so funny. And Laura did too, they both rushed to the tap and turned it on but it *laughs* was hot, so they burned their mouths.

Daniel: oh my god, Kacey! *laughs* Why?

Kacey: I did it to get back at Joey, for treating me like dirt. Plus his face was priceless.

Daniel: I bet it was. I understand why you did it although it would be even better if you filmed it without him knowing, so that I could see it. Cause it sounds so funny, I could literally picture it happening.

From there we talked about other things till after an hour, Kacey had to go because Joey would be wondering where she is.

Daniel: before you go, remember if Joey tries anything on you let me know. And also after a week I'll hopefully be coming back but let me know if Joey makes a decision.

Kacey: Ok.

Daniel: bye, and remember you are free to pop by here anytime, even tomorrow if you want.

Kacey: thank you, and bye.

From there she left and I went back to thinking, and writing my blog. Still very concerned about Kacey, but I know she's strong.

Kacey's POV:
I left the apartment blocks and walked home when walking, I heard sounds of young teenage girls behind me, they were talking casually amongst themselves it's until I hear them talking about Joey.

Girl1: Don't you think Joey hasn't quite been himself lately, like I feel like there is something he's not telling us.

Girl2: yeah I know right, it's like he doesn't want us to know. Before Joey was so open about things but now, it's like he's hiding things about himself.

Girl1: it makes you wonder what he's hiding and why.

At this point I could hear myself getting caught by Joey fans, so I went into target which just right by me. From there I saw the girls not following, fo now. Let's hope they didn't change their minds and come in.

I walked down many aisle, till I was at the gaming aisle where there were things like video games, gaming systems, controllers you name it. The one that really caught my eye was the game Resident Evil 7, I've always wanted to play that game but I couldn't because Mum said it was too violent, but since Joey has an Xbox I thought why not and besides it's not like he cares.

So I decided to buy the game, once I did. I walked back home. As I got in I came back to an angry Joey. Who literally slammed the phone on the table.

Joey: oh there you are! Where have you been?!

Kacey: out.

Joey: well next time, tell me if your going out. What is that in in your hand?!

Kacey: This, well it's a game.

Joey: what kind of game, let me see.

He snatched the target bag from me, and pulled out the game which was Resident Evil 7  at this point Joey didn't know what to say.

Joey: Resident Evil 7?! Kacey, this game is violent!

Kacey: yeah but it's sick and fun, and way better than this other games you played with your friends.

Joey: it's a 15 and your only twelve! You shouldn't be playing this!

Kacey: it's just a game for gods sake!

I said taking it from him, but then he snatches it back and reads the game.

Joey: warning: violent, graphic, bad language and blood! Things you shouldn't be playing Kacey.

I snatched it back and said:

Kacey: well I'm playing it and I don't care what you think. Because I've always wanted to play this game.

From there Joey remained silent and stormed off to his office. I from there opened up the game and put it in the Xbox, then started playing it. The game was so sick and fun to play, it's like I couldn't stop playing it. The part that did make me jump a little was when Mia gets possessed and chops off Ethan's hand with a chainsaw. After that it was kind of sick, how he just picked up his hand and kept going. Other than that, the game was so good.

It kind of made me want to play more games like this, especially the ones with so much action. I think next time I'll get The Walking Dead. Cause I heard that game is sick, just like this one. After more and more kills and entrances unlocked, I hear footsteps coming, it was Joey and he looked mad.

Oh god here it comes.........

Author's Note:
Well, that was interesting..... but don't worry there's more.

I'll update soon.

Bye! :)

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