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Kacey's POV:
I've been stuck here for about three hours now and have already retrieved the third crystal, and now I'm being given my forth riddle:

"I am an instrument you can hear, but can't see and touch. What am I?"

Another what am I riddle, boy I hate these. Let's think um....can hear but can't see or touch. What kind of instrument is that? Wait! I think I have it!

Kacey: singing voice. Something that can only be heard is singing.

"You are correct. Now go West in this place for the clue."

The voice silenced as I went in the direction West. I searched and search, in this small place. Then my foot hits something in the ground, I bent down to look and saw a wooden corner, my eyes got hopeful as I dug and found a cube like wooden box. I felt around the box and couldn't feel a lid or anything.

But when I shook it, I heard something inside it. I pulled out on of my arrows and pressed it into the wooden cube, twisting it about. I make a hole and out came a small scroll of paper, which must be the clue.

I opened it and read what it said:

I have been gone for many years and still haven't found my precious locket, till this day I will haunt this place till I have it back. Shake the box open again and you will find what the locket looks like.

I shook the box again and out comes an piece of folded up paper. I opened it up and saw a picture of the locket. It was a gold heart locket with a small diamond in the centre. More writing appears on the note.

Find my locket, I will be forever at peace. The last person to know where my locket is my brother, luckily he still lives. You will find him living in a hut in the woods, but be careful of him.

I head towards west of this place, taking my bow and arrows with me, along with a dagger. I walked along a foggy path, in the distance. I see light and then a camp fire, we are close, I thought.

I start to see a figure, of a middle aged man. Must be the brother of the woman, I thought. He sees me and says:

Man: who are you? What are you doing here!?

Kacey: relax, relax! I don't mean any harm, I just want to help you.

Man: help me? Why, because you know how to stop haunting of this place?

Kacey: yes, it's a woman who lost her locket before she died and she will haunt this place till she gets it back.

Man: oh god, that woman is my sister. She's mad at me, because I won't tell her where her locket is.

Kacey: why is that?

Man: her locket, was our mother's. It was passed down to her, it was the last remaining link to our mother. When she lost it, she wasn't the same. When she died this place became haunted.

Kacey: well if I find it and give it to her, she will stop haunting this place.

He pulled something out of his pocket, it was gold and shiny. I looked carefully and it was the locket.

Man: this locket she craves, but it's almost impossible to give it to her. If I place it on her grave, she still haunts the place. The only way to return the last key to her is to summon her spirit.

Kacey: how do we do that?

Man: you must gather five of her expensive items, luckily I know them. A white silk shawl, ruby earrings, gold dragonfly broach, violent evening gown and silver hair comb. You will find these items in her hut, which is two tress away from mine. But hurry before the people come and clear it out.

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