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Joey's POV:
I don't know what to do now.

Daniel: I think you should say something. Something to Kacey.

Joey: I don't know.

Daniel: Joey, please.

Joey: um...alright.
I said as I went upstairs, to the guest room where Kacey was spending time with Maria, I had a little peak through to see what was going on. It was Kacey braiding that really long hair of hers, I'm tempted to cut it but I won't force her to cut her hair if she doesn't want to. But I'm just saying it's very long. But other than her hair, their conversation seems to mostly be Maria asking Kacey about her life and Kacey seems to be having a hard time answering it.

I walk in and they both look, and see that I have come in. Kacey starts to fiddle with her braid, as Maria turned round and looked at me.

Joey: um Maria could you give us some space, please?

Maria: of course, I'll be down stairs.
Maria left the room, as I leaned against the desk.

Joey: um..Kacey look I have something to tell you.

Kacey: what is it?
Kacey said with a little hope in her eyes.

Joey: I think I have um.... accepted you as my child.

Kacey: *staring at Joey, looking very surprised by what he said* *gets up, and hugs Joey*

After saying what I had said, Kacey gets up and hugs me. I hugged her back. She seemed quite tall for eleven, she was only four inches shorter than me.

Joey: so I'm guessing we're good?
Kacey stopped hugging me and looked up and said:

Kacey: yeah I guess we are.

Joey: I am really sorry for hurting you and treating you badly, how about we start it over?

Kacey: it's ok. Yeah sure.

Joey: how tomorrow we all go out for hike, since tomorrow is Friday.

Kacey: yeah I'd love that, but what if the fans see me or other YouTubers?

Joey: you don't have to worry about that, since where we're going is quiet and mostly empty. And if we do see any fans, then put on a hat and sunglasses.

Kacey: alright, but if they do see me then what?

Joey: Then, I'll just tell them that your my cousin.

Kacey: alright.

Joey: let's go down stairs, because I think dinner is here. And before you say anything we ordered pizza, but it's from a vegan restaurant so it's vegan pizza.

Kacey: I never had vegan pizza, does it not have cheese?

Joey: yes it doesn't have cheese.

Kacey: I think I'll try it.

Joey: yay.

Kacey's POV:
Looks like Joey has finally accepted me, so at least I wouldn't have to keep hiding from him in my room. However I still remember when he hit me and pulled my hair, telling me that I'm unwanted, that I'll never forget. That memory is locked in my head, I can never get rid of it.

But anyways I had some vegan pizza and it was actually quite nice, it was really funny when Joey thought he ate a olive when it was actually a mushroom, he spat it out making a fuss about it and then looked disgusted at me and saying 'ew' when he saw me eating a mushroom, since I liked mushrooms.

Joey: Kacey, how can you eat those? Their disgusting!

Kacey: I like mushrooms. Especially stuffed mushrooms.

Joey: ew.

Kacey: why do I taste hair in my pizza?
I looked down and saw a few strands of my hair on my pizza, I instantly spat out the pizza that was in my mouth, picking any hair out of my mouth. My hair is in a braid how's it possible for it to shed like that? I don't know but it's gross. I hope I'm not going bald. I need my hair.

Joey: oh god Kacey. Put that in the bin. And maybe we should cut your hair, since it's too long.

I couldn't believe he said that. He wanted to cut my hair.

Author's Note:
Finally I update! Yay! Don't worry that's not it. There's more. I'll update soon hopefully.

Bye! :)

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