S-E-V-E-N-T-Y-O-N-E: Broken Hearts, Healed Souls. Part 2

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A day later....

Joey's POV:
We arranged with Kacey that she'd see us today. I was waiting in the car at her school, until I saw Kacey walking out the building along with her friend Rick, I looked carefully and saw they were holding hands. Wait what? I looked again more carefully and saw them both lean in and kiss. What?! Kacey is Gay like me?!

Looks like we're gonna have a lot to talk about. I waved out the window, Kacey saw and came towards us as Rick walked off, looking rather worried. I'm guessing she saw me seeing her and Kacey kiss.

Kacey: hi parents.
She said rather silly like.

Joey: haven't see you in ages, your mother said you promised to cut us out like she's over doing it. Things are different now.

Kacey: well sadly Joey, once she sees something very bad it remains inside her head. She's hard to be reasoned with.

Joey: well I'm a bit upset, I mean I missed out a lot on your life from your mother not telling me about you. Until eleven years later, I finally knew the truth.

Kacey: well that sums up most things. Now I really wanna see Daniel, haven't seen him in ages.

We drove off back to my place, as soon I opened the door all the dogs went up to Kacey, sniffing and licking her, they must have really missed her. Especially Wolf, he's such a big sweetheart especially towards Kacey.

Kacey: Damn Wolf is so old.

Joey: yeah and he proved the vet wrong.

Kacey: what by beating his lifespan?

Joey: yup, I'm very proud and perhaps he could still be around for another eight years.

Kacey: I bet.

Daniel comes in from gardening and boy he was so happy to see Kacey. He instantly took off his gardening gloves and pulled her into a hug.

Daniel: my god Kacey! It's been so long, I've missed you so much.

Kacey: missed you too.

Daniel: your so big now, it's crazy.

We talked a lot, it was quite an uncomfortable conversation. Mostly asking questions about very personal things. Kacey even felt uncomfortable and little something was seen on her neck. I thought it was a bruise birth mark at first but then I realised what it was, a hickey. Who has she slept with?

Joey: I wanted to ask, why did your mother make you promise not to see us again?

Kacey: ever since I went back to living with her, she has been quite protective and over the top and she made me make that promise. I didn't have much of a choice.

Joey: your mother can't do this forever, it has got to stop. Plus you haven't even met my family, and they would like to know who you are to me and them.

Kacey: I know but this is Mum, she won't allow it.

Before more can be said, Kacey's Phone goes off, I take a look and see it is Cat trying to call her knowing she is gone. But then it stops ringing and text appears saying:

Cat: I know where u are, I'm coming to get you.

Daniel: she figured out your here, perhaps we could talk to her.

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