16. I do like him.

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I grabbed a mug from the cupboard and made myself a cup of coffee to start off my day. I thought Hoseok and Ara were similar, but I didn't think they would hit it off so well right away. Another laugh escaped my lips as I remembered their expressions. It was fun to tease them. I smiled at the thought of them possibly ending up together. I took some aspirin to help with my headache and sat on one of the chairs in our dining table.

I seriously have to stop drinking. I know that Hoseok dropped me off, because I kind of woke up to the sound of Ara's voice when she was yelling at him on the phone. I also remembered seeing Taehyung and talking to him for a little bit while I was at the drinks table. After that, all I know is that I fell asleep or something.

I put my head in my hands. I wonder what happened. It's so annoying because I want to remember what happened last night so badly, and I can see fragments of last night's events in my head, but I just can't put them all together yet.

I wouldn't even have had to drink if I didn't see Jimin flirting with another girl literally the whole entire evening.

I groaned in annoyance. "Why do I care?" I muttered under my breath.

Last night was honestly a little rough for me. I for sure didn't get to have a good night's sleep. I woke up really early in the morning and just stared at my ceiling for a while. I was already awake for a good hour before I decided to finally stand up and leave my room.

I think I like Jimin.

It was really hard for me to process, but I couldn't think of any other reason why I would just storm off and start to drink like that. After finally admitting to myself that I have failed, and do care for the brat, I tossed and turned in my bed while punching my pillows in annoyance.

"Care for what?" A voice suddenly asked, which broke my train of thought.

The chair in front of me was pulled and he sat down while greeting me with a smile. "Good morning Jae Eun." He said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, confused.

"I'm here to pick you up. Let's go on another date." He said while giving me an eye smile.

Damn it, why does he look so cute?

"Another?" I asked while raising a brow at him. "We never went on a date before." I told him while sipping on my coffee.

The smile on his face didn't falter. "You can view it however you want, but I'm viewing them as dates." He told me cutely.

I didn't know what was happening to me. I was starting to notice things about him that I really didn't pay attention to before. Like the way his fluffy blonde hair was pushed back messily on top of his head. He looked like he just rolled out of bed with that hair, but managed to make it work anyway. I also noticed the earrings that dangled on his ears. I don't even particularly like piercings, but it really suited him, and he just looked so good. His lips too, oh man his lips, don't even get me started on his lips. They looked really plump and red, really kissable. And his outfit today, a black and white sweatshirt that swallowed up his body making him look like a hundred and one percent boyfriend material. I just wanted to cuddle with him all day.

I saw his tongue run across his lips and I felt myself gulp. I grabbed on my mug and downed the rest of my coffee, all in one go.

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