17. Tipsy Scoop

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I released a sigh as I stood up from my position on the floor. I began to grab some clothes from my dresser and finally headed towards the bathroom to get ready. I quickly finished up and slowly made my way back towards the living room after I got dressed. I immediately caught sight of Jimin comfortably sat on the couch while playing some game on his phone. Once I got closer to him, his head suddenly shot up from his phone screen and turned towards my direction instead. I just looked at him while he shot me his beautiful smile.

I'm fucked.

I gulped and shook my head at my thoughts before finally walking around the couch to stand in front of him. "Let's go then." I told him while nodding my head towards the door.

"Someone's excited." I heard him tease, as he stood up and followed me to the door.

"I'm not." I said, as I placed my hand on the doorknob to open the door. "I just want to get this over with." I told him.

He stepped out with me and proceeded to walk towards his car. I made sure to lock the apartment up before following him.

He waited by the passenger's side of the car and opened the door for me before quickly running to the driver's side and sitting beside me. I made sure to quickly buckle my seat belt when he was outside because I didn't want to get even more flustered if he did it himself.

"Are you alright?" I heard him ask as he backed up the driveway.

I could feel him giving me quick worried glances as he drove and a sigh escaped my lips. "I'm okay." I said while giving him a small smile. "I'm just worried about something." I whispered.

I'm worried because I already like you and you make my heart beat increase all the time.

"You can talk to me anytime." He told me softly. "Only if you feel like it," He added and I just nodded my head at him.

We drove in silence after that. My eyes trained on the window, and I put my full attention to the buildings and trees that we zoomed passed by. My thoughts seemed to have outrun the speed of the car though as I quietly sat there, trying to ease my worries about my growing feelings for the boy that was beside me.


"Where are we?" I asked, as we walked side by side at what seemed like a food fair.

"I was going to bring you to the mall and we would go shopping and eat, but I really wanted to cheer you up." He said while smiling at me. "I haven't gotten the chance to really get to know you, but I did pick up that you really like alcohol." He said in a teasing voice as we continued to walk, passing by different kinds of food stands.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh at what he said. "And so? What does alcohol have to do with this?" I asked, while gesturing around us.

"Follow me." He told me with a huge grin on his face.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist and started to pull me with him. We continued walking until he halted in front of a brightly lit booth.

Tipsy Scoop

Those were the words written on the sign that was positioned on top of the booth. My eyebrows scrunched in thought. I looked over at Jimin, and he was already staring back at me excitedly.

"Ice cream usually cheers people up when they're sad and like I said, I've realized that you have a thing for alcohol so I looked this up a while ago." He enthusiastically explained to me. "When you were sulking in the car, I saw they had this booth in this fair today, and I knew right away that I had to take you." He said while smiling at me.

He took a step closer towards the booth and pulled me with him so that we could both look at the different ice cream flavors that they offered. "All their ice cream have alcohol in them, but they won't make you drunk, so that's good for a change." He told me teasingly.

I managed another laugh and shook my head at him, but inside I could feel my heart flutter. The way he was so caring and thoughtful was only making me like him even more.

We finally got our ice cream and he made sure that he was the one to pay for it. We both decided to get two scoops each. We left the booth as soon as we got them, and sat down on the first empty bench that we spotted.

"Thank you for this." I told him while giving him a small smile.

I saw his grin widen and his eyes formed half moons.

He's so fucking adorable.

"It's nothing." He said while continuing to eat spoonful after spoonful of ice cream. "But, what was bothering you?" He asked me curiously.

I gulped. You.

"I-I just-, forget it. I'll deal with it." I told him while chuckling nervously. "Anyways, you're right. I do love this ice cream." I said, trying to change the subject.

Fortunately, he understood that I didn't want to talk about it and just went with the flow. "Of course. You love it even more because you're eating it here with me." He said cockily while smirking at me.

I shook my head at his statement, but couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. We continued to chat and joke around with each other, and I had to admit, I found myself having the best time. Oddly, just being here with him, in his presence was enough for me to have some fun. He was in the middle of telling me another story when a loud voice suddenly interrupted us.

"Oppa!" I hear a feminine voice say. "Jimin oppa!"

I looked towards the direction of the voice and my eyes saw a beautiful girl come into view. She seemed vaguely familiar.

"It is you Jimin oppa. Nice to see you again." She told him as she approached us.

She stopped in front of Jimin and he stood up from his seat beside me to give the girl a hug. "Annyeong Seolhee, it's nice to see you too." He said as he pulled away and gave her a smile.


A/N: Thanks for all the votes and comments. I really appreciate all the support.💕

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