39. Help

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JiHyun's been really bored the past few days. He usually spends most of his time with Jimin, but his brother hasn't been able to come meet him lately. He heard that he's been busy handling the business which came out as a total surprise to him, because he knew just how much Jimin didn't like working at the company.

Anyways, he couldn't think of anything else to do, so he decided to pay Hoseok a visit today. He asked one of their drivers to drop him off at Hoseok's place. Once he arrived, he stood by the gate and patiently waited for someone to open it after he rang the doorbell. The ajumma appeared and finally opened the gates to let him in.

"How are you ajumma?" He asked the old woman with a friendly smile on his face.

"Oh JiHyun, you're all grown up! I haven't seen you in a while." The ajumma said happily.

"I came to visit Hobi hyung." He told the ajumma.

"He's upstairs in his room with another guest." The older woman said while leading him to Hoseok's room.

JiHyun just nodded while wondering who might Hoseok have over. He was thinking maybe one of the other boys. Once they reached the hallway, he politely told the ajumma that he could find Hoseok's room on his own. The ajumma nodded and left after that.

JiHyun slowly walked in the hallway until he stood in front of Hoseok's door. He slowly turned the knob, having the intention to surprise his hyung, but he was the one who got surprised instead when he suddenly heard a feminine voice come from inside Hoseok's room.

"Come on Hoseok!" He heard someone say.

He peeked inside just in time to see Jae Eun suddenly explode in intense emotion. "Jimin doesn't want to do this. He's only letting his father control him because he wants to protect all of us, but I'm not having that okay? How am I supposed to live knowing that the person I love is literally being forced to become a fucking drug lord by his mess of a father even if he doesn't want to?!" She exclaimed.

Drug lord? JiHyun thought as he scrunched his brows.

He finally entered the room and shut the door behind him to make his presence known. He approached Hoseok and Jae Eun with a look of shock in his face. "Did all that I hear, was that true?" He asked them in a shaky voice.

Jae Eun gulped and quickly glanced at Hoseok. Hoseok just held his face in his hands and shook his head.

"Is it true?" JiHyun asked again.

Hoseok sighed and placed both of his hands on the younger boy's shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but yes. Whatever you heard is true." He said and looked at JiHyun with a painful smile.

A few tears started to fall down JiHyun's face and he hastily wiped them away with his hands. He took a deep breath and glanced at Hoseok and Jae Eun. He had a look of hurt and anger on his face.

"We have to stop my father." He said in a determined voice.

He looked up from his stare at the floor and met Hoseok's eyes. "Can you please explain everything to me?" He asked the older boy.

Jae Eun sat on the couch quietly while watching the exchange between the two boys. Hoseok sighed but nodded his head at JiHyun anyway. He started to tell JiHyun everything, starting from when Jimin had to leave for America four years ago. Jae Eun studied JiHyun's face the whole time and she couldn't help but to worry about him.

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