27. Cute

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The moment I woke up, I immediately got ready for the day. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. Afterwards, I grabbed my phone to give Mr. Song a call.

I heard a few rings from the other line before he finally picked up. "Yeoboseyo?" He said.

"Oh, Mr. Song. We need to meet today, it's urgent." I told him right away.

"Jinjja? Is it about the report?" He asked, a little surprised.

"Ne, it's really important." I said.

"Okay, you can actually come to the office right now." He told me.

"Arasso, I'll be there in a few minutes." I said.

We said our goodbyes to each other and hang up the phone. I didn't even bother with breakfast today. I had to find out what was really going on with Park Industries.

I grabbed my keys and exited my apartment, making sure to lock the door before I left. I walked towards my car and started the engine. I began driving to Mr. Song's office in a hurry.

I couldn't wait to let him know what I've found. This could lead us closer to solving the mystery behind who the mafia lord is.

I finally reached Mr. Song's company and parked my car in the parking lot. I entered the building and went straight to the elevator. I've been here a couple times now, so they just let me in with no questions.

I entered the elevator as soon as the doors opened and pressed the top floor where Mr. Song's office is located. Once the elevator doors opened, I stepped out and quickly walked towards Mr. Song's office.

I knocked on the door thrice before turning the knob and slowly peeking my head inside. I immediately saw Mr. Song and he nodded his head at me to come in.

I entered his office and walked towards the chair in front of his desk. I placed my laptop down on his table and I couldn't help the grin that formed in my face.

"I finally found something." I told him and he nodded his head at me, as if telling me to just go on and tell him everything. "I was up really late last night, around two to three in the morning." I said.

"I was researching about the report like usual and I saw something new pop out." I told him while opening my laptop. "It was called Park Industries." I said and I saw him scrunching his eyebrows in thought.

"Does it sound familiar Mr. Song?" I asked while waiting for my laptop's screen to fully load.

"It has a nice ring to it, but I honestly don't think I've ever heard of such a company before." He said and I nodded my head at him, also in thought.

"That's why it's suspicious. When I saw it pop up, I thought it would just be any other company out there." I said and he just sat with his hands folded together in front of him. "So, I took a look and found some info. After that, I remembered that I should get the company's location so we can further investigate." I told him.

"When I looked it up, it didn't exist." I sighed. "Then when I refreshed the company's page, it also didn't exist anymore." I told him while lightly throwing my hands up in the air.

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