7. Chance

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"Hello Jae Eun, I'll pick you up at six tonight okay?" Jimin said through the phone, a few hours after Ara and I got back home.

"Sure, I'll be ready by then." I told him.

"Okay I'll see you later, bye." He said.

I told him goodbye as well and then hung up the phone afterwards. "Seriously?" A voice suddenly boomed inside my room. "You sounded so dead and bored on the phone just now." Ara said while making a tsk sound at me.

"Well, I'm not particularly excited about this." I deapanned. "It's not like I wanted this or anything." I told her.

She shook her head at me. "You should really give it a chance Jae Eun. You're kinda wasting a very good opportunity here." She said.

"It's not like I'm going to be rude or anything, but I don't like him." I said and she just looked at me in disbelief.

"You're really something honestly. I mean, how can you not like him or feel attracted to him in any way?" She asked me incredulously. "Plus, he seems like a really nice guy." She said.

"Not to mention, he's hot as fuck." She added.

"Whatever Ara, I just want to get this done and over with." I said.

"Fine, but you're going to wear this and it's final." She said, placing a black dress on my bed and leaving my room.


"I told you that I wanted to wear jeans and just any shirt that I could find in my closet. I'm not wearing that." I told Ara for the millionth time.

She was helping me get ready for my dinner with Jimin. Well, more like she forced herself into "helping" me.

"Will you please listen?" Ara asked as she dangled her black dress in front of me. "You have to wear this."

I shook my head no and she only glared at me. "It's pretty, it's simple and it's black. Just wear it, come on Jae Eun." She whined.

"I don't want to. If I actually dress up, he might think that I care, but I don't. Sorry Ara." I told her bluntly, but she just wasn't having it.

"You are going to wear this Lee Jae Eun. He's bringing you to a fancy ass place, the least you can do is look decent for him." She scolded me before her eyes started to widen from her own words.

"He's bringing me somewhere fancy?" I asked in shock.

"Aish!" She groaned while placing a hand on her forehead. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

Seriously, why is Jimin such a nice person? Why is he doing all these kinds of things? He's making it really hard for me to avoid catching feelings for him.

A big sigh escaped from my lips. "Fine, I'll wear the dress." I told her in defeat.

She looked up at me and started to clap her hands in delight. "You made the right choice." She said.

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