4. Crush

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"Thanks again Jimin. I have to go, because I'm really late for work now." She said and quickly bowed her head at me before finally leaving the café.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times, watching as she dashed to the exit of the café. I didn't even get her name. I groaned at how stupid that was. I was literally just stood in here with her, but I didn't ask her name once.

I decided to just run after her so that I could ask, but she was already crossing the street by the time that I caught up to her. I continued to follow her though, walking a few feet behind her when I saw someone suddenly approach her figure.

"Jae Eun ah!" The person yelled.

The figure continued to walk closer towards her, and once they were face to face, they began talking to each other. "Jae Eun, where did you go?" The girl asked.

Jae Eun, so that must be her name.

I waited for them to finish talking. I was close enough to slightly make out what they were saying, but far enough not to be noticed by the both of them. I was about to turn around and go back to the café, but I caught a glance of her friend's face in a slight grimace. That had me stay a little longer because I wondered if there was something wrong.

"Omo! What happened to your top?" I heard her friend exclaim.

I saw Jae Eun glance at herself, and I instantly felt bad once again. I truly didn't mean to spill my coffee all over her. I sighed and shook my head at myself. 

The both of them continued walking after that. Her friend reached for one of the coffee holders and helped her carry them. They didn't take much longer before they entered the building that was right across the café. I assumed that it must be their workplace.

I finally turned around after that and made my way back to the café. JiHyun must have started to wonder where I disappeared off to. Hopefully, he didn't just leave and was still waiting for me in there.


"Hyung! Where on earth did you go?" JiHyun asked as soon as he saw me approaching him.

I sat back down on the seat across from him and began to rub the back of my neck. "Sorry, something suddenly came up." I told him sheepishly.

His eyes suddenly widened, and he looked as if a great idea just came on to him. "Really? Does it involve a woman?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

I chuckled and just shook my head at the younger boy. "Hyung, tell me. Did something happen?" He asked in a playful tone.

"Nothing big happened JiHyun ah." I said in a reassuring tone to stop him from teasing me any further. "Now, hurry up so we can go shopping really quick." I told him while picking up a few of the pastries left and eating them.

"Fine. I'm done when you are." He said while wiping his mouth clean with a napkin. "There's a mall nearby hyung. We can probably just walk, or we can take the car if you want." He told me.

"Oh, there's no need for a car, it's okay." I told him while finishing up as well. "We can catch up more while walking to the mall." I said with a smile, and he nodded his head in agreement.

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