Chapter 1: The Introductions Of A Potentially Hazardous Group

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Alex's POV

In highschool, Alex thought "college would be paradise if he wasn't dead by June."

Clearly, college wasn't paradise. 

They had driven to the college he was going to, and now they were going to have to check in, then settle in, then start classes, then study, then study more, then not fail finals and stuff, and then study, and maybe a bit more studying and - 

More studying. 

"My name is Alexander Hamilton," he muttered, pacing back and forth, trying to distract himself from the thoughts of studying. 

"What did you say?" A girl dressed in blue stopped to stare at him, in a slightly judging manner. 

Alex blushed, looking up at the girl.

"Nothing," he mumbled, staring back down.

"Elizabeth Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you," she told him, sticking out her hand.

Alex looked at the hand, his face heating up.

"S-s-schuyler?" He finally managed to form coherent words.

"My daughter," A large, intimidating man looked down at him, glaring.

Alex awkwardly grabbed her hand, then dropped it.

"Er, Alexander Hamilton, uh, gotta go," Alex spotted John Laurens across the courtyard of his new college, Columbia University.

"Alex, why did you leave? There was a pretty girl our age talking to you, and you just walked off?" John tried to look disappointed, but a grin was breaking through.

"Did you see her father? And I'm here to study, not to make friends." Alex told him seriously.

"Yeah, yeah," John smirked.

"Whatever, I'm just going to check in," Alex shook his head, wondering why John looked disturbed at the thought of him associating with a girl.

"Alexander Hamilton," Alex told the headmaster, who looked up at him in utter disgust.

"I'm Ki - I mean, Headmaster George," The man stood up, shaking out his red and gold robes.

Wait... robes?

"Ugh, he looks so 1750s, right?" A buff boy next to him sniggered.

"Why would you know what 1750s clothing looks like?" Alex wondered.

"I'm a fashion major." He replied.

"Oh, that's... nice," Alex awkwardly told him, shoving his hands in his pockets.

The guy waited expectantly. 

Alex raised an eyebrow. 

Finally the guy introduced himself. "Hercules Mulligan, I don't need no introduction when you knock me down and I get the heck back up again!" Hercules jumped in the air, landing with a loud thud.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton, and there's a million things I haven't done," Alex said, mentally scolding himself for adding something so random at the end of his introduction. Everyone was probably going to judge hi - 

"Yo, cool, man," Hercules said, smiling.

"There are so many cute girls here, oui?" Another kid butted in, his eyes scanning everything.

"Right, I was thinking of taking one to a football game! You know, because girls love - " Hercules told him excitedly, not caring what the newcomer's name was.

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