Chapter 17: Kitchen Duty - Doody

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TW:Slight sexism and homophobia from John's dad but I mean he's a jerk anyway so don't listen to him, as Lin said "Love is love is love is love is love is love is love" and Lin is smarter than Henry so *Insert blowing a raspberry at Henry's face*

Angelica's POV

"John! John!" A girl bolted up the steps. "John I'm ho - " Audrey stopped short after he saw another girl in John's room.

Angelica froze when she saw the girl. She looked so much like him.

"Uh, I can come back or something," Audrey slowly backed away.

"What? No, we're not together," Angie quickly said, still a bright pink color.

"Audrey?" John stirred.

"JACKY!" Audrey pulled John out of bed to give him a hug.

"Audy!" John held his youngest sister tightly.

"It's been so long!" Audrey finally released John from her death grip. "Who's the pretty girl?" his sister smirked.

"Audrey, meet Angelica. Angelica, this is my other sister, Audrey," Angie shook her hand warmly.

"Let's go downstairs!" Audrey was about to sprint downstairs when a shadowy figure blocked the doorway.

"I'm sorry, we tried to stop him but..." Aurora's voice faltered when she noticed that Angelica was also in the room.

"John," the man said, ignoring his older daughter's words. The scent of liquor was heavy in the air. "How you been?"

"Like you'd care," John muttered.

"What?" his father slightly slurred his words. "You will not talk to me like that in my house!"

"Yeah, well it isn't your house anymore!" John stood straight.

"Well, I won't give it to some 'bisexual' queer!" Angie cringed at the words.

"So it's better to put it into a drunk's hands?" John scoffed.

"Better that than someone who has a mental disease!" John looked a bit more heartbroken with every word but he kept strong for his siblings. This was when Angelica intervened.

"Being bisexual is not a disease!" Angie's voice rang out in the room. Henry's head turned to Angelica.

"Who's she? A woman should know her place! Don't tell me you married her, she's worse than the Washington boy," Angelica was infuriated.

"All people have a right to speak! Even women!" She gestured to Audrey. "Even children!"

"I'll teach you your rights!" Henry was about to raise a hand to Angelica's face when all of the Inferno broke loose.

John's POV

John couldn't see straight. All he saw was his father about to hurt Angelica before he attacked him. He couldn't see anything but anger. He kept punching till his knuckles were sore, then some more.

"John! JOHN!" Angelica tried to tear him away but John didn't stop until his father was out cold.

"Oh my god," Audrey had a hand to her mouth and Aurora had already called an ambulance. The twins seemed to support John on his fight. Then he saw Angie. There was another emotion on her face. Fear. Pure fear. Like the kind his father used to invoke in them. John released his father and ran away from the entire scene, running all the way to the back of the house and beyond the fence.

"John! Where'd you go? It's cold out here!" He heard a voice he didn't want to hear so he ran faster.

"Gosh darn it John, I can't outrun a football player!" John ran until his lungs gave out from all the stress and the fight and he found himself on the grass gasping for air.

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