Chapter 12: The Angelic Angel Angelica

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TW: Mentions of self harm but Angie's a strong bab wait we've said too much....

Hercules POV

"We should get back," Peggy finally said, after loitering at the restaurant

"Wait! I need to post this on my Instagram!" Maria whipped out her phone and posed.

"Theodosia, Burr!" Laf called.

The two people shook their heads and stood in the background, rolling their eyes.

"Come on, guys," Hercules got into the driver's seat.

"Shotgun!" Maria squealed, jumping into the seat.

Peggy looked super tired. "I think I'm just gonna... " She leaned against Laf and immediately started sleeping.

Hercules smirked at Laf's surprised look, and started the car. 

"Careful!" Laf positioned Peggy's head carefully and glared at Herc.

Hercules shrugged.

He stomped on the brake, throwing everyone forward.

Peggy snorted loudly.

Laf's eyes were shooting daggers at Herc from the mirror.

Maria laughed. "Never driven before, or something?"

"Of course I have!"

"Doesn't seem like it," Laf muttered from the back.

Maria laughed again. "I'll teach you."

Hercules tried to protest, but Maria was adamant.

She placed her hands on the wheel on top of his.
"Okay, instead of taking a really sharp turn, just turn it gently," Maria softly helped Hercules turn the wheel.

"Oh, that helps!" Hercules laughed, still aware of how insanely close they were, and their hands were touching.

Maria smiled. "You're welcome!"

"You know, I should show you how to defend yourself, you know, in case of that egotastic, rude - err, guy, comes back," Hercules said.

Maria looked offended. "I know how to fight!"

Hercules grinned. This was an easy fight to win. "Show me your fist."

Maria smirked back and showed him the correct way to put her fist.

"Oh, uh, well... punch me?" Hercules seemed at loss of words.

Maria punched him, but he barely felt it.

"That's what we're working on, then!"


John was the first one to wake up, yawning. He looked at Angie, who was still asleep and noticed he was still holding her hand.

He quickly let go and got up. He first went to the bathroom and changed into better clothes. Then, he went to check his phone.

After reading each of Alex and Eliza's texts he finally noticed one which said I'm spending the night at Eliza's... text you when we're awake.

He forgot about where Alexander would sleep.

Dang it, John thought to himself.

"John?" An angelic voice called out.

"Oh, Angie, you're up," he said and walked to her. "How ya feeling?"

"Like I cried all night," Angelica slowly rise from the bed. "Your dorm?"

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