Chapter 42: Beware Of The Fatal Pillows

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Angelica's POV

Taking Theo Jr. in the car was the most stressful part.

Hercules insisted that he had "mad driving skills ever since Maria taught him," so John reluctantly allowed him to drive.

Bad idea.

While Theo just smiled and gurgled, John was holding her tightly, and gasping at every jolt. Angelica mostly reprimanded Herc while she patted Theo's head.

"HERCULES MULLIGAN!" Maria shouted as they narrowly missed a pedestrian. "I did not give you lessons just so you could do - do - this!"

"I'm a lot better at driving now, Maria! It's just... a bit choppy?" Hercules swerved, causing John to cradle Theo tightly and whisper-scream.

"We're here, thank god!" Angelica jumped out of the car, and helped a shaking John out.

"That was the worst experience of my life! What if something happened to Theo Jr.?"

"Relax, nothing would happen." Hercules said cooly.

John just glared at him. "Come on, Theo! Wanna go and see your house? Well, only for a few days, but still!" John rocked the newborn. "Awww! She giggled!"

"So who's dorm is she staying in?" Maria asked.

"Eliza, can you and Alex stay together while John and I room with Theo?" Angelica asked, not even looking scandalized at the suggestion.

"Oooooh, you sure?" Eliza teased. "I mean, after I have my baby, I will need more room, so I guess it's like we already got an apartment."

Maria shrieked. "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!"

Eliza awkwardly grinned. "Did we forget to tell Maria?"

"Uhhh, YES!" Maria seemed hurt. "How could you?"

"Get pregnant or not tell you?"

"Both!" Maria laughed, then hugged Eliza. "I'm so happy for you, though. Just make sure Angie tells me when she gets pregnant with John's baby."

"WAIT WHAT?" Both Angie's and John's heads turned.

"It's bound to happen," Hercules agreed, shrugging. "Anyways, night!"

The couple blushed a furious red. "We aren't even married yet."

Eliza looked at them, shaking her head. "Maria's right. You guys are just too young and blind to see. Night, sis! Night brother-in-law!"


Eliza ran off, Alex close behind. "I would apologize for her, but it's true!"

"ALEX WHY I TRUSTED YOU," Angelica was rather angry.

John bit his lip. "Well, it's tru - I mean, what do babies eat?"

Angelica fished out a bottle from her purse. "Some vitamins and milk and stuff."

"Very specific."

"Shut up."

"If you stop smoking drugs, then everything will be alright!" Mr. Hansen's voice echoed through the parking lot.

"Uh, okay, that just happened." John looked confused.

"Do we even have a place for her to sleep?" Angelica was holding the baby as she cooed happily.

"We have, like... er..." John trailed off. They started walking up the stairs.

"Uhm, we can have one bed for her, and then.... We could, uh, you know, share a bed? Plus, we did this before, a few chapters ago." Angelica blushed. "It's not weird. Friends do it all the time!"

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