Chapter 34: Just Fix It!

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Guest List:

Angelica Schuyler-Laurens

John Laurens

Peggy Schuyler de Lafayette

Marquis de Lafayette (I'm too lazy too write out Laf's twenty names)

Maria Lewis-Mulligan


Theodosia Bartow-Burr with Theo the second

Aaron Burr

Aurora the Rory

Philip Schuyler Jr.

Audrey Laurens

Jake Laurens

James Laurens



Angel Schuyler-Laurens (Turtle/Angelica and John's future???? daughter)

"ELIZA, FIX THE GUEST LIST RIGHT NOW! I KNOW YOU WROTE IT!" Angelica started to burn the list with a lighter

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"ELIZA, FIX THE GUEST LIST RIGHT NOW! I KNOW YOU WROTE IT!" Angelica started to burn the list with a lighter.

"Woah, chill." Alex salvaged the list, or what was left of it.

"It's just a joke!" Eliza bit her lip to stop from laughing. 

Angie glared at her. 

"Just fix it!" 

Alex looked awkwardly to the side. "Just a joke, of course. Everything. Joke. Bahahaha!"

"So no rehearsal?" Peggy looked doubtfully at the schedule.

"This basically is the rehearsal for the real wedding!" Eliza huffed.

"Alexander, are you alright?" John asked, tilting his head.

"I have so much work to do!" Alex said before leaving the room.

Laf choked on his Pepsi. "Wait a minute, is Eli-"

"OH MY GOD WE FORGOT THE CAKE!!!" Eliza wailed.

"Jeez, Eliza, no need to be so emotional," Maria handed her a tissue.

"Bu-bu-but the caaaake!" Eliza cried into her tissue.

"I knew you'd forget, so I already sent in an order." Angelica rolled her eyes at her sobbing sister.

"OH WOW ANGIE YOU ARE SO AMAZING WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU?" Eliza exploded into another set of tears.

Lafayette and Hercules slowly edged out of the room, knowing the conversation that would ensue after Eliza's outbursts.

"Hey, John, don't you have something to do?" Angelica forced a smile onto her face to hide her anger at John for not leaving.

"Not really, no," John was too oblivious.

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