Chapter 11: That American Fizzy Magic

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John walked past the college kids who looked at him oddly. He had to get Angelica to his dorm.

"Were we ever that cute?" a tall boy resembling Laf asked the boy next to him.

"I don't think it gets cuter than that," the shorter boy whispered back. He kinda looked like Herc.

John didn't even remember to blush this time. "We're not together."

"Mmhm," said the taller one in a sassy Virginian accent.

John finally got to his door and unlocked it with Angie in his hands. He noticed that she was fast asleep with tear stains all over her face. And clothes.

No, John, you don't have any clothes for her anyway.

He put the sleeping Angelica on his own bed, and then contemplated where he would sleep.

By this time, Angelica was starting to stir. John started to head to the bathroom when Angie caught his hand.

"Stay. please," She looked tired, almost helpless.

"Yeah, sure," John pulled over a chair and held her hand until they both fell asleep, John on a chair and Angie facing him on the bed.


Eliza's POV

"I CANNOT BELIEVE THOSE TWO!" Eliza was in a rage.

"Eliza, honey, people are trying to sleep," Alex tried to calm her down.

"They ditched us! We were ditched! Agh!" Eliza toned her voice down.

"How about we go to my dorm first, see if Angie didn't kill John?" Alex unlocked his door.

"HOW COULD THEY?! JUST DI - " Eliza was interrupted by Alexander putting a hand over her mouth and moving her head in the dorm.

Inside, there was a sleeping Angie and a sitting John, who was also quite asleep.

Eliza's face went shocked. "Wait, did they-"

"Eliza, they're still wearing the same thing and John's on a chair, so I think not," Alex led her away and silently locked the door.

"So, my place?" Eliza smiled.

"Where else?"

Peggy's POV

BluieSis: Alex and I went to check on Angie and John, we probably won't come back, so don't wait for us

Peggy scrolled down to her other messages.

PinkySis: Hi, it's John. (I know Angie's password) We came back to the dorms. Angie was feeling tired, don't wait for us!

"I guess that Alex and Eliza are gone, and Angie and John ditched, so it's a double date," Peggy said, leaning back in the car where Maria and Herc were also riding.

ThatJohnnyDude: Pegs, sorry, I'll tell you what happened later. For now, just tell the others that Angie was super tired. Have fun, Peggy! Kiss Laf!

Peggy looked confused. What had happened between them?

"We're here!" Herc announced, jumping down.

Peggy glanced out of the window and gasped at the fancy restaurant.

"I feel underdressed," Peggy muttered.

"You look great," Laf promised, stepping out of the car. 

"This is not French," Maria muttered, taking Herc's hand.

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