Chapter 23: Hurt

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TW: Self harm same as last chapter ok let's (Wait no it's, like, LEZ, that's how he says it) go (dun dun Alexander ok no non-stop fans I get it)

Angelica's POV
The tiny blade hovered above her skin, threatening to get closer and closer. She needed this. She wanted this. It was all her fault anyway. She should've been the dead one, not John. She should've been the one to get hit, not John. She should've saved his life by taking the hit.

"ANGELICA WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!" Angie reached for the lock and clicked it into place. Eliza was in a frenzy now and she heard Alex's voice too.

"OPEN THE DOOR NOW, OR I'LL BREAK IT DOWN!" Eliza started pounding like a madwoman.

Knock knock knock knock.

With every knock, the blade slashed in sync with Eliza's heavy pounds.

Crash crash crash crash.

"ANGELICA, PLEASE, LET ME IN!" Eliza was sobbing now.

"This isn't funny Angelica," Alex tried to break down the door to no avail.

Bam bam bam bam.

Eliza was really trying now hitting the door with every ounce she had, non-stop, and now Angelica heard Alex screaming at her, his voice cracking with emotion.


The lock clicked and Eliza fell through the door on account of her leaning on it.

"What the frick?!" Eliza seemed distraught with anger.

Angelica simply walked past her sister and Alexander's stricken face.

Eliza promptly collapsed on the floor and started sobbing.

"Sh-she isn't te-te-telling m-me some-something," Eliza choked out.

"Hey, hey," Alex went next to his fiance and put his arms around her. "We have a week."

"But does she have a week?" Alex held Eliza tightly as he closed the bathroom door, not noticing the small tinge of blood left behind on the floor.

YellowSis: Hey, pick up

YellowSis: Something really serious came up

YellowSis: LAf r u even up?

LargeBaguette: now i am, thanks peggy

LargeBaguette: whats up?

YellowSis: John

LargeBaguette: Shiii is it today?

YellowSis: yeah

LargeBaguette: How are they?

YellowSis: Liza says that Angelica's barely in the house

YellowSis: She won't sleep or eat

YellowSis: Alex is better tho

YellowSis: She says the wedding is still on

YellowSis: Tho John can't be best man

LargeBaguette: At least they haven't fallen to depression

YellowSis: Angelica's scaring me

YellowSis: She hasn't answered my texts

YellowSis: I'm afraid she's gonna hurt herself

LargeBaguette: Honestly, she's the strongest girl I know

LargeBaguette: Besides you

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