Chapter 28: Say No, Alex

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Alex's POV

Alex had been forced into a bachelor party, the night before the promise wedding. Only after a lot of persuasion did he manage to get the boys to reschedule to two nights before instead of being hungover on his wedding day. They thought it would be really funny if Alex fell asleep as he was walking down the aisle.

Now, John, Hercules, Laf, and Alex were sitting at a fancy bar, ordering fancy beers.

"I may not live to see my glory! But I've seen wonders great and small. Because if tomcat can get married - " John slurred, slinging his arm over Alex.

"If Alexander can get married," Hercules tried to high five Alex but ended up hitting him in the face.

"THERE'S HOPE FOR US, AFTER ALL!" John chuckled, his drink sloshing around.

"Let's have another round tonight!" Laf shouted, already drunk.

"In style!" Hercules downed an interesting concoction of about four drinks mixed together.

"Raise a glass to freedom! Something you will never see again!" John said.

"No matter what she tells you!" Hercules giggled.

"Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr!" Alex wrenched away from his drunk friends, nearly falling on his face.

"I came to say congratulations!" Burr watched Alex warily as he staggered forth.

"He he, thanks - OOH, LOOK, SALT! AND PEPPER!" Alex grabbed the salt and poured it all over Burr.
"Salty," Alex giggled, patting Burr's hair.

"I should go," Burr said, nearly running away from the scene.

Alex staggered back, watching John drink glass after glass of water.

"Whatcha doing, Joooohnnn?" Alex warbled, staring at the water like he had never seen it before.

"I can't beeeee drunk, bad stuff happen when I'm drunk," John said seriously.

"Ooh, you mean like the kissssss? That felt nice, wanna do it again? I'm bi anyways, doesn't make a difference!" Alex leaned over, getting right into John's face.

John leapt backward, his face burning red. "Ew!" Noticing Alex's crushed face, he added, "You're getting married or, whatever, soon!"
Alex's face lifted. "Eliza! I swear to god I'll never let her feel helpless!"

John nodded awkwardly as Alex downed three shots in quick succession.

"I didn't know you were bi?" John tried to make the best of the time when Alex was so drunk. He usually wasn't like this; most of the time had had a high alcohol tolerance, but now it seemed Alex was completely out of his mind.

"Yeah, for a while. Laurens, I like you a lot! You're pants were so hot! Those cute jean thingies! But I'm over it, sorry, I have Eliza," Alex rambled.

John's eyes widened. "Okay."

Alex staggered away. "Bathroom... " He bumped into two guys who calmly pointed to the direction of the bathroom.

"A bathroom right there! Go, old chap!" A voice Alex thought was vaguely familiar told him, while a new voice joined it, urging him to go to the bathroom.

Alex mindlessly stumbled to the bathroom, until he realized it was actually a shadowy corner with someone sobbing in it.
"Yeerrr okay?" Alex asked.

The figure turned around. It was a girl, dressed in red. She also looked familiar... maybe one of the Schuylers? There were so many already, which one was she?

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