Epilogue: The Crazy Kids Of New York

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4 years later...

"We're going to be late, John!" Angelica scooped up Angel Schuyler-Laurens the turtle, and the kid.

"Wait, wait, Jack's not ready!" John was chasing a toddler around the house.

"I can see that, but Peggy is going to kill us!" Angie frantically glanced at the annoyed text messages.

John finally caught his son and squeezed a top over his head.

"Go, go, go!"

The entire Schuyler-Laurens family jumped into the car.

"Wait! Did you forget Angel's bags? For her change of clothes? And diapers?" John asked, already starting the car.

"Ugh, babies!" Nevertheless, Angie smiled fondly at Angel before running back inside the house.

"Daddy, Daddy, look!" Jack had drawn his aunt Peggy a turtle as a gift.

"You really should work on your draw - ouch!" John was cut off by a hard smack to his shoulder from Angelica.

"Be supportive!" 

They screeched to a halt in front of the small church Peggy had chosen. Mostly because the inside had pale yellow walls.

"Well, it's better than where we had our wedding," John reflected.

Angie paused for a second to smile sentimentally at John. "I loved our wedding."

"Of course you did. You married me!" The couple kissed, much to their sons annoyance.

Eliza ran out, grabbing Angie by her shoulders. Peggy had decided on having all her sisters, including Maria, to be her maids of honor, which didn't make any sense, but Peggy had been insistent.

"Angie! You're finally here! What took you so long?" Eliza hugged her sister tightly.

Peggy screeched at her sisters. "COME ON, COME ON, YOU'RE LATE FOR A VERY IMPORTANT DATE!"

"Don't quote Alice In Wonderland at me! I'm here!" Angie was pulled inside after she shot John a helpless look.

John had decided to take his children towards Alexander's table.

Alex and Herc were already there, along with Angelica Rachel Hamilton and Philip Alexander Hamilton, who were two and four, respectively.
Laf ran in, cussing in rapid-fire French.

"Laf! Children!" Alex scolded.

"They don't understand French!" Laf argued.

Philip piped up. "Un deux trois quatre cinq!" He said in his baby speak

Laf paused for a second. "You are saying it wrong!"

"Be supportive!" John laughed.

"Six sept huit neuf dix!" Angelica finished

"See, now your sister can say it," Laf rubbed Phillip's head endearingly.

Maria came out of the room next looking very pregnant and extremely tired. "Peggy refuses to choose what to put on top of her cake."
Hercules helped her into a chair. "Stay here, I'll help, after all, I designed her dress."

John called after them, "Put a turtle!"

Angelica rushed out of the room, nearly tripping on her kids that were playing on the floor.

She was in her maid of honor dress, and her makeup had been hastily done. "The wedding should not be starting! Why is the music playing?"

Aaron Burr, who had come back to attend the wedding, was holding Theo, and looking stressed.

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