Chapter 37: Now, This Is A Wedding

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Inside The Girl's Dressing Room

Peggy straightened her dress. "Eh, I can't be bothered to straighten my hair. I'm just leaving it open."

"Ooooh, fancy, I bet Lafayette will like it." Maria teased.

Peggy screamed, then started to lock the door and windows. "Shhhhhh!" She whispered.

Maria smirked knowingly.

"Also, WHERE IS MY BOW?!" Angelica started to tear the place apart.

"Oh, it's on the turtle," Eliza said casually.

"Is that a reference to something?"

"No, I mean, it's literally on the turtle."

Angelica turned to see that Angel had a bow on her head.

"Why? Actually, I don't care anymore." Angie clipped the bow to her head quickly.

"Okay, okay, so first off, we'll have the ceremony and Philip Jr. will give Eliza away, since, uh, he isn't here and then, we'll cut that pitiful cake and we'll eat cake!" Peggy read her itinerary.

"Oh, I also got some fake marriage papers from, like, some place," Maria called, waving a sheaf of papers.

"Perfect! They can sign that after they kiss."

"Who's officiating?"

"Well, Aaron said he's legally allowed to since his grandfather was a fire and brimstone preacher." Peggy tilted her head. "Not sure if that's how that works, though."

"Good enough." Angelica fixed her dress one last time.

"Also, Alex and Eliza say that there are some 'activities' planned at the venue."

"You still haven't told us where we're going, 'Liza," Angelica turned to her sister.

"All in good time." she replied breezily.

"Are we ready? No? Well, I don't care, we're going!" Angelica took her sisters' and Maria's hands and dragged them out of the dressing room.

"BOYS! HURRY UP!" Angelica yelled.

John came out pulling the boys with him. Alex was still struggling with his bowtie.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU ALEX, YOU JUST PUT IT ON!" John seemed pissed while Alex meekly let him fix the bow.

"Okay, here's the exact venue address!" Eliza handed each couple a piece of paper.

"Wait, then why did we keep everything here?" Maria asked.

"So you wouldn't find out the real venue!" Alex said cheerily.

"I swear you'll be the death of me," Hercules groaned.

"I'll go with Alex, Maria with Herc, Peggy with Lafayette, and Angie with John." Eliza was about to walk out the door.

"Oh heck no!" Both Angie and John chorused.

"I am not giving you another chance to ruin your own wedding!"

"We're coming with you," John agreed.

"Fine, then you guys should carpool too, it'll save gas." Alex started to walk out the door again.

"Something's gonna go very wrong today, isn't it?" Angie whispered to John.

"Good thing we're here to fix it."

Angelica's POV

"The wedding is going to the coolest thing ever," Eliza giggled to Angelica, who looked worriedly at the address.

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