Chapter 27: What Happened In The Room

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"We are not telling my sister about what happened in the, ahem, the room," Angelica said, licking a vanilla cone.

"Jeez, you make it sound like we did something wrong," Angelica smacked John in the head playfully.

"Shhhh! Don't say it like that!"

"So are we going to talk about the baby?" Angie swore that at least three people turned their heads.

"Stop saying things like that!"

"Hey, I have some questions, like is it a girl or a -" John was cut off by Angelica kissing him to make him shut up.

"Oh look, I got a kiss from the maid of honor, Angelica Schuyler!"

"John, you're such a child,"

"Nothing like our child,"




"You guys, the plane's boarding!" Eliza called the two from afar. They quickly finished and headed over to the line, careful to try to not hold hands.

"What were you two doing?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Bathroom!" Angie blurted out.

"Separately!" John added.

"Uh, yeah, that's how bathrooms work," Eliza smiled to herself, shipping things even harder.

The four boarded the plane. Hercules, Maria, Lafayette, and Peggy had left the day before and were already at the college. Angelica and John took one side and Alex and Eliza took the other.

"But seriously," John whispered to Angie. "Are we going to try being... together?"

"Definitely," Angelica snuggled in next to John. If Eliza could see them now.

Eliza could definitely see them from her seat behind them, where she was standing up to spy them.

"AGHGHGHGHGHGHGH!" Eliza whisper screamed.

"Woah, John sorry about the invasion of privacy, I thought you were Eliza," Angelica said smugly, knowing her sister would have no other choice than to believe her.

"And I thought you were Alex," John went along with it, smirking slightly.

"And I think we should switch seats more ahead, you know, because I'm pregnant."

"And I should join you, because I am your husband,"

The last two lines were said while Angelica intensely stared at Alex who shrunk back.

The rest of the plane ride went fine, except for Eliza trying to catch the two, who had been keeping an awful lot of distance between themselves, doing couple things.

"Alex, they aren't doing anything!" Eliza huffed as she plopped back down to her seat.

"Maybe if you backed off, they'd get together," Alex murmured, half asleep.

"Fine, I'll back off," Eliza put her head on Alex's shoulder and fell asleep.

"I think she finally gave up," Angelica breathed a sigh of relief.

"Careful, stress isn't good for the baby,"

"Trying to score another kiss?"

"Hey, a guy can try?"

"Try harder,"

Angie settled herself against John's shoulder, finally relaxing.

"When will you tell her?'

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