Chapter 29: Congratulations, Hope You're Satisfied

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Angelica's POV

"Put what we had aside, I'm standing by her side! You could never be satisfied! God I hope you're satisfied!" Angelica tore up Alex's apology to Eliza in front of his face.

"Angelica, I thought you understood what I was struggling to do!"

"I'm not here for you!" The crowd oohed.

Angelica, Eliza, John, Maria, the two James, and Thomas were all in the middle of the college grounds, while Angelica was roasting Alex with a sobbing Eliza beside her.

"I love my sister more than I love my own life and I have chosen her happiness over mine every time!" she said, glancing at John, who avoided her eyes.


"Angie, he kissed Maria, but he was drunk! Let it go!" Angelica and John were arguing again.

"He should be faithful! My sister deserves better!" Angelica was a fit to be tied.

"He was drunk! I could've done the same thing!"

"But you didn't!! Especially the night before your wedding!"

"Please, don't make this into a big deal!"

"The ones who would tell me not to do this have no say now,"

"Or you could let it go!"

"The enemies he's made have everything on him now!"

"Just wait for it!"

"Please, let it go! For me!" John looked tired.

"No. I will do anything for my sister,"

"Even if it means losing me?" Angelica turned her head up.

"You can't be serious!"

"I will stand by Alexander no matter what! Just like you will with your sister,"

"My sister didn't cheat on her fiance!"

"Neither did my best friend! He was drunk!" John slammed the door behind him.

Angelica slid down to the floor, her body shaking with sobs. She had given up her happiness for her sister. But her sister was too important. And Alex... He was already dead for what he did.

Flashback end

"Well, he never gon be elected now!" Thomas smirked as James Madison looked increasingly uncomfortable.

"Alex, what did you do?" Aaron shook his head and walked past the crowd.

"John, let's go," Alex took his best friend through the crowd and to their dorm.

"Alex, you messed up bad," John groaned.

"What do you mean?" Alex was too oblivious sometimes.

"You kissed another girl! The night before your wedding!" John seemed more annoyed than usual.

"What's wrong with you?" Alex was actually worried.

"What's wrong with you?" John stormed out of the dorm and walked outside to clear his head. He had chosen Alex over Angelica time after time. Sometimes he wondered if it really would be better without him, if he actually did die in Chicago. Would that change things?

No, it would cause Angelica's death.

John knew this wouldn't blow over like the time Alex kissed him. Angelica would fight for her sister until she won or she died. Whichever came first. How would he get it to go away?

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