Chapter 32: Let It Go

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TW: Plz don't hurt my smol confused bab he's too sad to see straight don't beat him up over this. HIS TRUE LOVE JUST DIED CUT HIM SOME SLACK PLS, wait why is this a tw

Alex's POV

Alex walked into the dark alleyway, immediately regretting his decisions. It was too dark. He should've turned back.

No, you've got to clear the slate between you two and him and this is how.

But was walking in a shady alley towards someone who's always hated him really the best course of action?

Probably not.

But Alex was known for making stupid decisions.

"Hello?" Alex walked tentatively down the alley, pausing when he heard an odd sound.

"The heck, Thomas? Where are you?" Alexander kept walking until he saw Thomas.

"Look, what the heck is going on?" Alex confronted Thomas angrily.

"It's your fault," he said quietly.

Alex backed up slightly. "What're you talking about?"

Thomas glared at him, his eyes full of pain and hurt.

"He had to die because of you!" Thomas took out his pocket knife.

Alex's heartbeat quickened. "Thomas, let's not do anything rash."

"A life for a life," Thomas slowly advanced to Alex, who kept walking backwards.

"Look, I get your upset, you should talk about it." Alexander tripped on a soda can.

Dang it.

Alex desperately tried to get up, but fear clung to him, pulling him down.

Help, help.

If he could reach his phone, then maybe he could call 911... then what? Would they even come on time? He could be dead by -

"What's going on here?" Angelica seemed pissed before she noticed what was in Thomas's hand.

"Thomas..." Angelica's voice trailed off.

"Leave. This is between us." Thomas was gaining on Alex, who was still on the ground, paralyzed with fear. Angelica saw her chance. She sprinted in front of Alexander. Angie may have not been in the cross country team but she made it in time.

"No!" Thomas's knife grazed her cheek.

Angelica knelt to the ground, cupping her cheek. "Go home, Alexander."

"But Angie!"

"Go. Home." Angelica stared him down. Alex took one last look at Thomas, who wouldn't meet his eyes.

Angie's POV

Angelica got up. Her face was red with blood. "Shoot. Thomas, that was a real nice declaration."

Thomas still refused to meet anyones eyes.

"But you gotta see the present, we're living in a real nation. Would you like to join us? Or stay mellow doing whatever the heck it is you do here in this dumpster." Angelica started to walk back to the dorms. Thomas remained unmoving. "Let's go. We got to get to my dorm and I need someone to cover me."

Thomas silently followed Angelica to her dorm, all the while looking down with his hoodie pulled over his head and his hands in his pockets.

"Real emo, Thomas," Angie scoffed, unlocking her dorm. "Eliza?" No reply.

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