Chapter 26: No One Deserves To Disappear

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John's POV

"Oh woah!" John was hugged from all sides by his siblings and some special guests.

"WE'RE ALSO HERE MON AMIIIIIIII!" Lafayette, Hercules, Maria, and Peggy all came out from the other room.

"I'm guessing you all were expecting a funeral," John laughed.

"Well, at least this party has cake!" Peggy shrugged and brought in a cake that said You're RIP John alive!

"PEGGGGSSSTEERRRRRSSSSS!!!" Eliza tackled her sister into a hug as Angelica walked over and smiled at Maria.

"Something's off with her," Maria whispered to Hercules.

"With who?" Herc was trying to wrestle both twins and Maria giggled at how easy he was going on them.

"So, here's to never getting drunk again!" John raised a glass (of apple juice).





"I'm underage!"



They all spent the rest of the day catching up.

"Peggy, how's the Schuyler mansion?" Alex asked.

She shrugged. "The same."

"ARE YOU KIDDING?!" Maria shrieked. "IT'S HUGE!"

"And how was France, Laf?" Eliza prodded.

"It was, as you Americans say, lit." Everyone burst out laughing at that. "Home is always nice."

"And Herc, Ireland?" Alex inquired.

"As cold as ever," Herc said smilingly.

"Well, we got to head back to the hotel," Angie got up.

"She's right, it's getting late," Eliza rose as well.

"You guys can stay here!" Audrey exclaimed.

"I wish, but you guys have enough people in the house," Alex ruffled Audrey's hair.

The four left the house to get back in the car. Only John noticed that Angie hadn't changed from her old clothes.


John's POV

John took a shaky breath in as he surveyed the hotel room. It was pristine and neat, which was weird, since Alex was staying here. But he guessed him being on death's door might've sobered him up.

John couldn't deny how weak it made him to think that he nearly died a few hours ago.

But what was even worse that that, was that Angelica did exactly what he told her never to do.


"I get if you think I'm weird or something or don't wanna be fri-"

"Angie nothing will ever come between our friendship. Ever." John reassured her.



Flashback End

John remembered how everyday after that, until the time that he had taken the hit for her, he had complimented her, just so she'd remember she wasn't alone, and there were people who cared for her,

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