Chapter 19: Wait!

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"So, we have a younger brother?" Eliza stared at her sister.

"Well, he's older than Peggy," Angelica still seemed frazzled.

"But he's our half brother?"

Angelica sighed. "We've been over this fifty times Eliza, yes, he's not mom's son."

"Are you gonna tell Dad?" Eliza asked. "Or Peggy?"

"Peggy, yes, Dad, I'm still debating."

"Angie, we should tell him,"

"Eliza, I'll be the judge of that."

"This is not something that only you get to decide, Angelica, it affects all of us,"

"Well, it doesn't matter because right now we are too far from home to care."

"Don't shut me out on this, like you did when Mom die - "

"When's the promise wedding?" Angelica interrupted. She knew her sister too well.

Eliza's eyes lit up. "We're thinking of having it at the college, just us and friends,"

"Who's the maid of honor?" Angelica smirked.

"Is that even a question? You!" Eliza playfully punched her sister on the arm.

"Hold on, Peggy owes me twenty bucks," Angie said, taking out her phone.

"Peggy will be the flower girl, and Laf the ring bearer," Eliza went on. "And, of course, Alex insisted on John being his best man."

Angelica's cheeks colored slightly. "And Maria's one of your bridesmaids?"

"And Herc will be one of Alex's groomsmen," Eliza finished.

"Seems small."

Eliza shrugged. "I mean, the real thing will have more people, obviously, but this one should be small."

"Not even Dad?"

Eliza's eyes darkened. "No."

Angelica let it drop. "How were the Washingtons?"

"The nicest people!" Eliza gushed. "And how was the night at John's?" Eliza teased her blushing sister.

"Shut up! It wasn't like that!"

"When will you stop breaking that poor boy's heart and tell him you love him?"

"Eliza, it's too late," Angelica looked sadly at her phone. "I friendzoned him, remember?"


"Hush, Elizabeth!" Angie frantically quieted her sister.

"Oh my god, I can't believe my sister finally found a guy!" Eliza looked amazed almost.

"Hey, what about Thomas?"

Eliza rolled her eyes. "You mean the guy who left you cuz he was gay? Yeah, you guys were meant to be."

"I have no chance. He probably extinguished all his feelings for me already,"

"There's always a chance, dear," Eliza booped her sister's nose. "Always."


John's POV

"So you're getting married?" John looked at his best friend.

"Well, eventually, but, she sealed the deal," Alex almost seemed... regretful?

"What's with the face?" John turned towards him.

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