Chapter 41: The Baby Project Starts

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John's POV

"Well, that's settled then. Baby shower on Tuesday, apartment searching on Wednesday, and Graduation on Friday." John looked over the schedule. "That's a full week we have planned."

"We can make it work." Angelica shrugged it off. "Now, the baby shower will be pretty small, just us and Peggy, Maria, Laf, and Herc, and then we can tour houses and we have a full day before grad!"

"That's not complicated at all."

"Lighten up! We can do it!" 

"I mean, we did plan a wedding in a week or so," John acknowledged, leaning against the couch.

"There's so much drama in our lives. I mean, the authors should just give us a break!" Angelica sighed, looking forlorn.

"That reminds me, Alex needs to take a break. He's been running around Eliza, screaming at her not to touch that, lift this, eat that. I think Eliza is going to explode. Pregnant women and their hormones; I don't want to be around when that happens."

"So, graduation," John leaned against the sofa. "We have the rest of our finals and the we're free!"

"Easier said than done."

"Lighten up! We can do it!" John mimicked, causing Angie to laugh. "I have some plans for after grad. Meet me at the courtyard immediately after it. I have a surprise."

"What is it?"

"A surprise."

"You're no fun!"

"I am too!"

"No, you aren't! Tell me!"

"It's a surprise!" 


John's phone started to buzz. "It's Aaron."

ILikeThatAaronBurr: Tell everyone to meet me at the hospital, Theo's giving birth.

Sent at 8:10

JohnTheProtecterOfTurtles: Congrats, man. We'll be there in a few.

Sent at 8:12

"Theodosia's giving birth." John filled Angie in.

"Isn't it too early?"

"I don't know, I don't track this stuff!"

"It'll take us at least half an hour to reach!"

"And ten more to get the rest of the crew."

"We better hurry."


Aaron's POV

Aaron remembered what it felt like to hold her for the first time. A small, fragile thing. She was all wrapped up and hey squinty eyes were shut tightly. She had the smallest tuft of hair, a small nose, and shapely lips. She looked exactly like her. When she smiled in her sleep, it was like a part of her lived on.

"Hey, we caught your texts an - " A very loud John was silenced by Angelica clapping a hand to his mouth.

"Sh! She's obviously sleeping!" Maria whisper-shouted.

"The baby or Theo?"


Aaron looked up at the entire crew. "This is Theodosia Burr Jr."

"Awwwww," Peggy could barely hold in her squeal.

"Where's Theo? I want to talk to her," Eliza looked around the room as Aaron flinched.

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