Chapter 30: That's How You Know You Messed Up

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Thomas POV


Thomas messed up again.

This time it put a life in danger.

His boyfriend's life in danger.

"Okay, what the actual heck Jefferson, why the hospital?" Alex looked enraged, but his face slightly softened when he saw the look on Thomas's face.

"Yeah, Thomas, this is really weird, even for you," Angelica strolled in with the Schuylers, Lafayette, Hercules, and Maria in tow.

"I lied." Thomas said blatantly.

"What?" Alex looked confused.

"Alex didn't kiss Maria, Maria kissed him because James Reynolds blackmailed her."

"Oh my god," Eliza looked surprised and angry.

"We were counting on Alex to be too drunk to notice," Thomas added.

"So you used Maria?" Herc was a fit to be tied.

Thomas hung his head in shame. "We had no other choice."

"Where do you fit into this?" Laf questioned.

"I masterminded the whole thing," Thomas finished. "I'm sorry."

"Why did you tell them this now?" Maria's face was stone cold and her arms were crossed across her chest. "And what's with the venue?"

"James. He-he, uh has this condition linked with his stress. And James R. pushed him and he passed out, and it - it's n - not looking great." Thomas's voice shook. "I guess knowing that I ruined two relationships pushed him over the edge."

"Wait, two relationships? Who's the other one?" Eliza seemed interested.

"Ange-" Thomas was silenced by Angie's loud voice.


Angie slid next to Thomas and lowered her voice. "Look, John and I were supposed to be a secret, and I don't know how you found out, but no one can know, especially my sisters, got it?"

Thomas smirked. "You still keep your relationships secret?"

"Well, after my last ex came out as gay and dumped me pretty publicly I think I have an excuse."

Thomas's smile vanished as Angie went back to her sisters. "Let's find that son of a b-" Angelica shot a sideways glance at Peggy. "Gun. I meant gun."

"I'm a year younger than you!" Peggy complained.

Maria shot Thomas a glance. "We will talk about what just happened with James, you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"No, I'm good, I'll stay with Jimmy," Thomas looked up. "Punch him for me."

"Heck yeah," Herc was already out the door.

"Call me if anything happens," Angelica patted Thomas on the back awkwardly and followed Herc and Peggy.

"Thanks," Alex said through clenched teeth.

Thomas's head snapped towards Alexander. "Don't get me wrong Hamilton, I did this for her, not for you. Our score isn't settled."

Alex backed away. "It would kill you to have to admit you helped me, wouldn't it, Jefferson?"

Eliza ushered Maria, Laf, and Alex out. "I will never forget what you did, Jefferson," Thomas couldn't read her expression.

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