Epilogue 4: The Mess I Call My Family

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10 Years Later, Christmas Day

Burr's POV

Everyone was gathered in Eliza's and Alex's house, seeing that it was the biggest.


Theo Burr, Thomas Jefferson, Patsy Jefferson (Soon to be Jefferson-Laurens), Jack Laurens, Peggy, Lafayette, Pierre, Natasha, Pascal, Fia...

Burr shook his head. He couldn't remember who anyone was. He only could remember the parents. This was the first time he was coming to one of these 'family' events, thought Theo attended all the time.

This year, he was family, and he was forced to attend.

He started to make a mental list of all the kids.

Patsy Jefferson: Thomas' adopted kid, engaged to Jack Laurens, 26 years old

James Jefferson: Engaged to Angel at 22, son of Thomas

Angel Laurens-Jefferson: One of the prettiest Laurens, dated James Jefferson for the longest time, already engaged at 22 years old, Angie's daughter

Jack Laurens: Engaged to Patsy, son of Angie and John, 26 years old

Pierre Lafayette: Peggy's kid, dating Natasha, messy hair like his dad, 18 years old

Pascal Lafayette: Laf's kid, the youngest, only 13

Natasha Mulligan: Dating Pierre, daughter of Herc and Maria, 18 years old

Fiona Mulligan (Fia): Daughter of Herc and Maria, besties with Angie, 19 years old

Theo Burr-Hamilton: Obviously, his daughter, and was actually married to Philip, 26 years old

Philip Hamilton: Burr's.... son-in-law, Eliza's son, 26 years old

Angelica Hamilton: Hyperactive, best friends with Fia now that Theo was married, 24 years old (Engaged? Married? Dating? A guy named Rich something)

John and William Hamilton: Twins, no one could tell them apart except family and Fia, sons of Eliza, 19 years old. Fia was dating William

Connor Hamilton: The calmest out of everyone, son of Alex, 18 years old

And of course, to make things worse, the Laurens family was coming too.

Aurora Laurens-Schuyler.... Something. She was - Burr stopped to think - John's sister, who had married Angie's half-brother.... Which was Philip Schuyler.


This was complicated.

Aurora and Philip Schuyler (Not Philip Hamilton, Burr reminded himself), ran a daycare, and when the kids were younger, they often took them in as well. They'd had one kid; obviously, the kids in the daycare were enough for them. Now, Risti Schuyler was about 23, maybe? Risti was adopted from their daycare; she was Indian - the only diversity in their huge family besides French and American.

Audrey had followed in Alex's footsteps and become a nurse. They worked together a lot, and it was one of the most adorable sister-brother relationships ever. They were technically related - Audrey's sister married a half-Schuyler, Eliza was a Schuyler, Eliza married Hamilton.
Oh my god.

Kill me now.

Don't make me go to this party.

Jake and James, the twins, had gone into the show business. They were in a lot of plays, most recently starring in Miranda, as they played Daveed Diggs' two roles, confusing the audience further as they tried to determine if it was two people or one.

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