Chapter 39: Nobody Needs To Know

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Everyone's heads turned to Eliza.

"What's wrong?" Alex stood worriedly by his wife's side.

"I-I-I think I'm sick," Eliza rushed off to the restroom.

"Um, what was that about?" Maria looked surprised.

"We should go check on her," Angelica picked up her dress and made her way to the restroom.

"'Liza, sweetie, you there?"

No answer.

Eliza's POV

Eliza locked herself in a stall and started to hyperventilate. She didn't want to believe that it was possible. What would Angie say? What would Alex say?

Eliza dug through her purse till she found what she was looking for. With shaking hands, she took out the test.

"'Liza, sweetie, you there?"

Eliza froze. She had to answer, but her mouth couldn't make a sound.

"ELIZA!" Angelica's pitch grew higher.

"Uh, yeah, I think I just had too much cake," Eliza called weakly.

"Oh, okay." Angelica seemed relieved. "Should I stay or should I go?"

"Uh, you can go, it's gonna take me a while."

"Call me if you need me." Angelica hesitatingly closed the door.

Time for the moment of truth


Angelica's POV

"She's fine, she probably had too much cake." Angelica repeated, not quite satisfied with the answer.

"Oh, okay." Alex relaxed and went back to talking to the Washingtons.

"Angie, I can see it on your face, something's off," John slid next to her.

"Yeah, her voice sounded... shaken, and not from sickness,"

"What else do you think it can be?"

"I honestly don't know."

Eliza came out, looking refreshed. "Hey guys! I'm better now!" She immediately put her skates back on and continued to talk to her now husband.

"I guess we had nothing to worry about?" John asked tentatively.

"No, there's something wrong," Angelica reasoned. "Eliza's a good actor, but I'll let it drop since it's her wedding."

"The right thing to do!"

No one noticed the pregnancy test that was ever so slightly sticking out of Eliza's purse.


John's POV

The wedding had gone off without a hitch. Everything went mostly as planned except for the real marriage papers. Each of the couples had driven home, with the exception of Alex and Eliza, who had stayed to clean up after the guests.

"Well, that was one exciting day!" Angelica leaned against her headrest.

"Yeah, my best friend just got married to my girlfriend's sister. Not complicated at all."

"So, are we gonna cram for that test?"

"Let's give Alex and Eliza your dorm as some kind of honeymoon suite."

Angelica sniggered. "Not much of a suite, that tiny dorm."

"We can always study at my place."

"Sounds like a plan."

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