Epilogue 3: Here and Queer

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16 years after the final chapter, 4 years after previous chapter

Angie was leaving soon and Connor couldn't bear it. Philip had left two years earlier and that was okay for him. 

Sure, Angie was a bit depressed as the two oldest were awfully close as well but it didn't bother Connor as much. He and Pip were a million worlds apart. They argued like heck. 

Connor was a very mature young boy at 12, unlike Pip, who was still a kid at heart. He didn't know how Theo and Angie put up with it.

 Same with the twins. They were as immature as possible, pulling the worst pranks and pretending to act innocent. They had a knack for pretending to be good, that was for sure. 

Maybe they should do drama. Connor argued with the twins non-stop, never once agreeing with them.

It was true that the youngest Hamilton was indeed the smartest. He was doing Algebra in sixth grade and Geometry in seventh. 

Alexander was especially proud of his youngest but Pip was always his favorite.

 Eliza favored her twins. 

So that left Connor and Angie. At first, Angie loathed the idea of another Willam or another John. 

But when Connor was born, he was an absolute angel. When Angie held him for the first time, she knew which one was her favorite. 

The two spent an unnatural amount of time together for being six years apart in age. Connor was mature, gentle, and kind.

 Angie liked mature, gentle, and kind. It was a nice change from her other brothers' lack of it. Connor still couldn't stand the fact that his beloved sister was leaving him in a matter of days.

"Connie, are you gonna come with me and Dad to college?" Angelica burst through Connor's door, bouncing. She was excited for college. That only made Connor angrier.

"Maybe," Connor mumbled, hiding his feelings.

"Connie, you have to!" Angie whined, her usually perceptive eyes glossing over Connor's feelings. "I can't do it without you!"

"You got Pops," Connor replied.

Angie rolled her eyes. "Pops is only going because Mom doesn't want to. She's staying with her darling twins." Angelica accentuated the words "darling twins," which made Connor grin against his will.

"Fine, I'll go, only if you buy me a Harvard sweatshirt," Connor teased.

"Ahhh, I can't believe it's Harvard!" Angie started bouncing around again on Connor's bed.

"Yeah, Harvard," Connor murmured. His dream school.

Philip had chosen to go to Berkeley, which Eliza fully supported, though Alexander would have been happier if he had followed in his footsteps.

"Look, before I move in, I want to go sightseeing!" Angelica leaned on her brother's shoulder. "Who knows when we'll get to do this again!"

Connor winced at her words. "Ange, I got some homework."

Angie looked at her brother. "Con, what's wrong?"

"Nothing! I'm just excited for you," Connor bit back tears and his vision grew hazy. "But I need to do a lot of catch-up work if I plan on going with you guys."

Angie smiled at her little brother. "Alright. Pack a bag!"

After his sister left the room, Connor locked the door and shoved headphones onto his head. He turned on his music, Dear Ben Platt, and tried to ignore the fact that the only person who would ever accept who he was would be gone soon.

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