Chapter 15: Take A Break (Or I'll Make You)

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Angelica's POV

"JOHN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T GIVE IT BACK!" Angelica was currently chasing a laughing John who was carrying her phone in his hand. "YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS!!!"

"Why? Got a hot date?" John's smile slightly dimmed.

"What? No, I promised Eliza I wouldn't miss her texts, since, you know," Things were still uneasy between the two sisters since the argument, but neither sister mentioned it.

"Jeez," John rolled his eyes and lobbed the phone over. Angie barely caught it.


"What, you caught it!"

Angie smirked. "You underestimate me, Johnny."

"And I also underestimated your nicknaming skills," John replied sarcastically.

"Fine, how about... Jacky!"

John flinched at the name.

"Did I say something wrong?" Angie looked visibly concerned.

"No, we should get to the cafe, or else you'll miss your sister," John's voice hardened as he walked out the door.

Angelica watched him walk out.

What was that about?

John's POV

Did Alexander tell her?

John walked faster. Thanksgiving break was coming up around the corner. He would see his siblings again. Aurora was turning 19, and Jacob AKA Jake and James were turning 16 and Audrey was only 13. They were the only ones who could call him that. Not even Henry could get away with it anymore.

Chicago was far from Columbia and chances were that John's job at the animal adoption center would buy him his tickets. The Washingtons would pay for Alex's trip. They even paid his tuition fees. He really was like a son to them. What was it like to be a son? John wouldn't know. As tragic as Alex's life was before he moved from the Caribbean, even he would admit that his life had more than significantly improved.
"Hey," Angie caught up with John.

Please don't mention it.

"So, where are you going for Thanksgiving?"

Thank you, Angelica Schuyler.

"Back home, probably with Alex," John looked up. "You?"

"Probably staying here," Angelica looked drawn. "Home is... well, not my home."

"You wanna come to Chicago with me? Alex'll bring Eliza too."

"Yeah, I'd actually like that a lot," Angie smiled at John. "Someone's gotta watch my sister."

"Cool," John crashed straight into Eliza and Alex.

"Watch where you're going, genius," Alex groaned as John offered him a hand up.

"Could say the same for you," Angelica heaved her sister up.

"ANGIE, ANGIE, ANGIE, Alex invited me to go to Chicago with him!" Angie nodded as John mouthed a told you so to her.

"Well, it just so happens that John and I are also going,"

Eliza's face seemed to drop. "Why? Peggy will be all alone."

"You mean you won't be all alone with Alexander," John stifled a laugh as Alex punched him on the shoulder.

Eliza went red. "That's not what I said! And don't think that I'm not judging you for going with John." Now it was Angelica's and John's turn to blush.

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