Chapter 20: This Is What We Call "A Bad Nurse"

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Angelica's POV

"You did?"

John was about to open his mouth when he turned his head and so did Angelica. There was a car coming at her, at a hundred miles per hour. She couldn't move, she was frozen and filled with fear. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed for it to be fast.

What happened next, Angelica couldn't even begin to comprehend. John pushed her aside and took the hit.


Angelica landed on the sidewalk as John remained crumpled on the road. Angelica ran over beside him.

"John! JOHN!" Angelica shook him but he remained unmoving. A crowd started to gather around her.


"Someone, call the police, or an ambulance, or something!" Tears formed around her eyes as she kept shaking John's battered body. "John, no, JOHN!"

She refused to tear herself away from him, even when the ambulance came.

A paramedic took her aside "Ma'am only immediate family are allowed in the back, I need you to take a cab."

"He's my husband!" Angie fibbed quickly. "Please, I can't leave him."

The paramedic sighed. "Fine, but we need you to fill out these forms about him then."

Angelica's breath caught in her throat. "Uh, later, can I see him please?"

The ride to the hospital was long and bleak as Angelica tried relentlessly to get her sister on the phone.

"Come on, Eliza, pick up, pick up!" Angelica's hand shook every time she tried to dial the number and her other hand stayed latched onto John's.

"Look, when you get this, come to the hospital, there was an accident, an-and," Angelica's voice cracked. "I don't know if John's even alive, just please call me, okay?"

"How much longer till the hospital?" Angelica was already shaken.

"Not much farther, just hold on."


John's POV

There were bright lights.

A loud voice calling his name.

He knew that voice.

It was so familiar.

Why couldn't he see her?

What happened?

Why couldn't he move?

Why was the voice crying?

Don't cry, I'm fine.

I think.

Am I really?


Angelica's POV

"This is where you stop, ma'am," Angelica turned.

"What? No, I have to stay!" Angelica only clutched onto John harder.

"No one except doctors beyond this point," She had to let go.

"You can wait in those seats," the paramedic motioned to the waiting area. Angelica positioned herself onto a seat mindlessly.

"Angelica?" She turned to see none other than Aaron Burr.

"What, Aaron? What're you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Aaron had a drawn look on his face, as if he had been here the entire night.

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